International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 2, February 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Development Of Student Worksheets (SW) Based On Project Based Learning Models Assisted By Tracker Applications With Scientific Approach On Simple Harmonic Motion

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Yohandri, Lusiana, Fatkhur Rohman



Student Worksheet (SW), Project Based Learning, Tracker, Simple Harmonic Motion..



This research occured by the demands of the 2013 curriculum which states that the 2013 curriculum was developed based on the challenges of advancing information technology, the rise of creative and cultural industries, and the development of education at the international level. Thus, an innovation is needed in the form of developing learning models, learning resources and learning media that are in line with the demands of the 2013 curriculum, including SW as a simple learning resource that is easily understood by students, project based learning learning model as one of the recommended learning models in Curriculum 2013 and can improve the competence and creativity of students, and tracker applications as IT-based learning media that can compete at the level of international education. The purpose of this study is to produce SW based on project based learning application assisted tracker with a scientific approach to the material Harmonic Motion with valid, practical and effective criteria. The results showed that the student worksheets based on the project based learning model were assisted by a tracker application with a scientific approach with valid categories obtained on average from experts (0.78). SW is very practical according to educators (87.08) and very practical according to students (92.21). The SW that was developed was effective in increasing the competency of students including knowledge competence (84.13), attitude competency (82.55), and skill competence (83.48). The results of the study can be concluded that the SW developed is valid, very practical and effective in improving the competence of students and can be applied to a broader scope.



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