International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 3, March 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

The Application Of Problem-Based Learning Model To Improve Students' Mathematical Reasoning Skills

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Linda Andalia, Usman, Muhammad Subianto



Mathematical reasoning skill, Problem-Based Learning



This study aimed to improve students' mathematical reasoning skills through the Problem-Based Learning model (PBL). This study employed classroom action research consisting of two cycles, and each cycle involved planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were 29 Year 8 students in one of the Islamic private junior high school in Aceh Besar. The research instrument used for data collection was a mathematical reasoning test. The data was then analyzed qualitatively and described descriptively. The results showed that out of 29 students, 57.89% and 73.68% reached classical mastery learning of mathematical reasoning skills in the first cycle and the second cycle, respectively. Therefore, students’ mathematical reasoning skills increased through the Problem-Based Learning model.



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