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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 4, April 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Analysis Of Household Food Security Status Of Cassava Farmers In Lapodi Village, Pasarwajo District, Buton Regency

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Lukman Yunus, Munirwan Zani, Muhammad Aswar Limi



cassava; farmers; food security; lapodi; survey model



Improving food security is highly essential to stop the starvation rate. Moreover, food is a basic human need. This study aims to analyze the food security status of cassava farmers. The study was conducted in Lapodi Village, Pasarwajo District, Buton Regency, from April to October 2018. Primary data were obtained from 32 respondents who were determined by a simple random technique. Data then were analyzed by using the Household Food Security Survey Module developed by the United States Department of Agriculture. The results showed that the cassava farmer households in Lapodi Village, Pasarwajo District, Buton Regency, mostly (62.20% and 9.38%) experienced a marginal and low food security status. Meanwhile, only 28.12% of farmers were in a relatively high quality of food security. The family with marginal food security status was categorized insecure but have not experienced hunger, while for those with low status, food security is no longer unsafe.



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