International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 8 - Issue 9, September 2019 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Institutionalization Of Political Parties Perspective Of Talcott Parsons In National Prophetic Culture Transformation

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Rahmat Abd. Fatah, Saiful Deni



Propheticism, political pragmatism, legislative candidates, Talcott Parsons.



Politics has become an endless commodity, people are busy plunging into political ambiguity, either by becoming party managers, legislative candidates, regents, mayors to presidents, all "peddling" self-image with a number of good and personal achievements as a result, political parties as the following institutions the norms and values in it are exceeded, by the dominance of personal political who have financial carrying capacity and capital of popularity. Institutionalization of political parties in such contexts does not see the system as a whole, and therefore a political party is forever "held hostage" by political pragmatism. Talcott Parsons reminded that the action system would face four survival problems, such as; 1) adaptation; 2) goal-attainment; 3) integration; and 4) pattern of maintenance and tension management (latency). Therefore the system with one another must be integrated into a shared pattern for common goals as well. In this paper, the common norms and values that must be upheld are the prophetic of the institutionalization of political parties in the transformation of prophetic national culture with qualifications of institutions capable of combining "logical reasoning" (Knowledge) and "revelation" (Al-Qur'an) which further values by Parsons socialized and internalized actors, the context of this paper, political party institutions disseminate and internalize propheticism in vertical-horizontal mobility to transform prophetic national culture.



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