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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 8 - Issue 8, August 2019 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616

The Effect Of Academic Qualification, Work Experience And Work Motivation Towards Primary School Principal Performance

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Salwa, Muhammad Kristiawan, Bukman Lian



Academic Qualifications, Motivation, Work Experience, Principal Performance



This paper aimed at determining the influence of academic qualifications, work experience and work motivation of teachers towards the principals’ performance. This research was carried out in Primary Schools in Kalidoni, Palembang. The paper used the partial correlation method. The sample in this study were 28 primary school principals in Kalidoni. The instrument in this study was questionnaire. The results of this study indicate there was significant effect of the principal's academic qualifications on the principal’s performance, where tcount 4,584 ≥ ttable 2,055; there was significant influence of work experience on the principal’s performance where tcount 11,360 ≥ ttable 2.055; there was significant effect of work motivation on the principal’s performance where tcount 6,564 ≥ ttable 2,055; and there was significant effect jointly between academic qualifications, work experience and work motivation on the principal’s performance, where the ANOVA test obtained Fcount 155,189 ≥ F table 3.24. It can be concluded that there was significant influence of academic qualifications, work experience and work motivation towards the principal’s performance of primary school in Kalidoni.



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