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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 5 - Issue 9, September 2016 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Morbidity And Mortality In Afghanistan

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Abdullah Almutairi





Incidence and prevalence rates of the top five causes of morbidity and mortality in Afghanistan are poor nutrition, lack of healthcare facilities, neonatal deaths, acute respiratory infections, and common infections. The annual population growth rate stands at 2.2 %. Statistics from the World Health Organization report in 2013 shows that the life expectancy rate in Afghanistan is 61.3 years. The rates for males are 60.5 while that of the female stands at 62.1. The rise in the expectancy rates is attributed to improved healthcare conditions and decreased morbidity rates. Another report published by the WHO in 2009 suggests that the infant mortality rates were 257 deaths per 1000 live births and this number was estimated as the third highest in the world.



[1] Afghanistan mortality survey reveals substantial improvements in maternal health. (2012). Management Sciences for Health. Retrieved from http://www.msh.org/news-events/stories/afghanistan-mortality-survey-reveals-substantial-improvements-in-maternal-health

[2] Health and nutrition. (n.d). UNICEF Afghanistan. Retrieved from http://www.unicef.org/afghanistan/health_nutrition.html

[3] World development indicators: Population dynamics. (2014). The World Bank. Retrieved from http://wdi.worldbank.org/table/2.1

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[5] The World Factbook: Afghanistan. (2016). Retrieved June 03, 2016, from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/af.html

[6] Milivojevic, J. J. (2012). Afghanistan. Chicago, IL: Heinemann Library.