International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 5 - Issue 10, October 2016 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Technology Of Tapioca Syrups In The Village Toddotoa, Pallangga District, Gowa, South Of Sulawesi

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Andi Tenri Fitriyah, Baharuddin, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar



Technology, tapioca syrup, Tapioka Jaya, Sinar Jaya, Toddotoa village, South of Sulawesi



In the business people tapioca, tapioca drying is often a problem because they rely on sunlight. In the rainy season would be disrupted so that drying The resulting starch quality were poor and lower selling prices. An attempt developed of glucose and fructose syrup production from starch wet expected to increases added value for farmers. Manioc starch yield of about 15-25 percent and the yield into glucose syrup 80-95 percent of the dry starch. The quality of the production process glucose syrup can enhanced by peruses liquefaction, saccharification, purification and neutralization, as well as evaporation. The purpose of food science and technology service activities of knowledge and technology for the community (Ktfc) is to improve the quality of people's tapioca syrup and glucose/sugar liquid produced from tapioca starch processing, using appropriate technology. Community groups of food science and technology program for the community (Ktfc) as partner in service activities is a business group Tapioca People "Tapioca Jaya" and cassava farmer group "Sinar Jaya" in the Village Toddotoa, Palangga District of Gowa, South of Sulawesi. Plan service activities this form of raising the target groups: group Tapioca business people and farmer groups cassava "Sinar Jaya" as a producer of cassava. This service activities begins with conducting a survey to location where industry partners during these activities. Extension of the function and the importance of appropriate technology which will be applied, in particular to a group of business people tapioca "Tapioca Jaya" i.e. improvement of appropriate technology (the process of liquefaction, saccharification, purification, neutralization and evaporation) and the improvement of post-harvest processing of cassava namely: eliminate shrinkage results, and stripping is done with a mechanical device that previously had to be washed to eliminating the silicon content.



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