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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 10, October 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Civil Engineering Students‘ Conceptual Understanding On Centrifugal Force Implementation Through Geometrical Design Of Inter-City Road In Indonesia

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Syaiful Syaiful, Juang Akbardin



Centrifugal Force, Geometrical design, Engineering Students‘ Conceptual Understanding.



The development of inter-city road infrastructure development in Indonesia has already increased sharply along with economic growth and regional development. The geometrical design of the road has already been designed by the standard provisions and needs of the functions of the road services built. The application of physics concept in designing geometrical platform as a function in applying theoretical physics to the standardized-geometrical design. A centrifugal force in the physics concept is a basic principle in designing geometric horizontal alignments of the road. Conceptual understanding of engineering students in term of designing geometrical design perspective, has been based on the implementation of centrifugal force in the case of work on vehicles ride in the road bends. The implementation has ever been based on variables which were determined by understanding to apply logic of thinking constructively. The variables are determining the students‘ conceptual understanding on the parameters of the centrifugal force equation which is working on the bend. The analytical method which is regarded on the categories of parameter functions used, is the approach of implementing centrifugal force. Civil engineering students‘ conceptual understanding on geometrical designs through the implementation of centrifugal forces are able to increase the ability of analyzing process on the functions of comfort and driving safety. These procedures are collocating with reducing the effect of greater centrifugal force. Moreover, the application is also able to reduce accident-prone areas due to the influence of magnitude-centrifugal forces on the geometrical design of the road.



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