International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 7 - Issue 1, January 2017 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Differences Of Basidiomycotina Types In Natural Forest Arboretum Gardens Unmul Samarinda

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Sus Trimurti, Lariman



Diversity, Basidiomycotina, Arboretrum, Natural Forest.



Forest of Unmul Samarinda Botanical Garden (KRUS) is one of the tropical rain forests in East Kalimantan that have diversity of flora and fauna of exotic species and also serves as a research tool, conservation of environment education place as natural recreation area (Ecotourism) (Anonymous , 2005). Especially in the Unmul Botanical Natural Forest Arboretum (KRUS) in this area has a high level of biodiversity is still very high but still at least the species of plants, animals, or fungi are identified in the area. Basidiomycotina Mushroom Difficulties Research in Natural Arboretum of Unmul Samarinda Botanic Garden was conducted from February to March 2015. Observation and data collection was done by transect method by plot ploting purposively. The study was conducted on 3 transects, in each transect made plot 2x2 m which laying based on the presence or absence of fungus (purposive). From the results of research, 54 species of Basidiomycotina mushroom consist of 10 tribes and 5 nations. The dominant species in Transect 1 are Marasmielus candidus and Clitocybula abudans, on Transect 2 Ganoderma applanatum, on Transect 3 Marasmielus candidus and Pleurotus pulmonarius. The dominant Basidiomycotina fungus species in the study area was Marasmielus candidus. Index of macroscopic mushroom diversity at research location 3,277 and evenness index 0.098 and index of dominance of 0.068.



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