International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 1, January 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Waste Analysis On Patient Care In The Emergency Installation Of Government Hospital X Of Riau Province

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Misra Kamalia, Sutopo Patria Jati, Septo Pawelas Arso



Lean hospital management, waste, line balancing



The researcher wishes to analyze the existence of waste with a lean hospital management approach on the process of patient care in the Emergency Installation (IGD) of Government Hospital X of Riau Province.Congestive Heart Failure was chosen to describe the flow of the patients-care process starting from the registration until the patient was ready to be delivered to the treatment room. This study employed a qualitative type utilizing a descriptive analytic approach. Primary data were obtained through the observations to 20 patients delivered by families, supplemented by in-depth and unstructured interviews of with the patient's family and emergency installation staff as a respondent. In addition, the primary respondent is a head of the emergency installation and a person who carry out role as a coordinator as well as in charge of the emergency installation. Secondary data was obtained from the collection of documents, journals, and reference books related to the research topic. The results showed that the Emergency Installation of the Government Hospital X of Riau Province had not implemented Lean Management yet. The care process flow had a non-value added ratio of 31.8% for recent patients and a non-value added ratio of 31.5% for preceding patients.Over-processing, over-motion, unused employee creativity, waiting, defects, unnecessary transportation and unnecessary inventory were the forms of waste found during research. Adding the Human Resources (HR), optimizing managerial activities, implementing 5S work culture (Seiri/Concise; Seiton/Neat; Seiso/Clean; Seiketsu/Care; Shitsuke/Diligent) and error proofing, adding visual management, improving the ability of Hospital Management Information System using E-Kanban, and planning re-layout with line balancing analysis were expected to reduce waste of the patient care process in the Emergency Installation of the Government Hospital X of Riau Province.



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