International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 10 - Issue 2, February 2021 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Environmental Management Program Based On ISO 14001 Standards For The Sustainability Of The Universities Of The Lambayeque Region. Peru

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Morales Ramos, Jorge Guillermo, Esteves Pairazamán, Ambrocio Teodoro ,González Zavaleta, Lorenzo Edmundo, Melgarejo Ángeles Wilder Enrique, Melgarejo Reyes, Jeanette Karina



Environmental management, environmental system, sustainable development, ISO 14001.



The objective of this study is to develop an Environmental Management Program to promotes the environment sustainability in universities located in the Lambayeque region. In this regard, through research on problem it arises what extent the design of an Environmental Management Program based on ISO 14001 contributes to sustainable development of the universities located in the Lambayeque Region? The hypothesis is that the implementation of an Environmental Management Program based on ISO 14001 will contribute to sustainable development in the universities of the Lambayeque region. This work corresponds to a prospective research with a focus on qualitative study to respond to a problem statement; It aims to establish a comprehensive perspective on reality and integrate in a multidisciplinary research. The preliminary diagnosis and the results were obtained, states that the universities located in the Lambayeque Region does not have a built environmental management system and one that only applies an Environmental Management Program Environmental isolated context. Analysis Management Program proposed to be implemented, will benefit the community in general and the universities included in the Lambayeque Region.



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