International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 4 - Issue 3, March 2015 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Public Service In Service Soil Certificate In The Sorong City

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Muhammad Ridha, Tehubijuluw Zacharias, A. Jamaluddin, Arifin Tapioyihoe



Key words: public service, certificates of land, sorong city



ABSTRACT: One of the goals of decentralization in 2004 that the decentralization of Local Government authorities undergo a process of empowerment, the ability of initiative, creativity encouraged, so that the capacity to address domestic problems getting stronger This opens opportunities made possible since the enactment and implementation of the Law on Local Government that Act No. 32 of 2004. The problem is formulated in this study is how the public service in the administration of land titles in Sorong city? . This study used a qualitative approach that is descriptive analysis. This study seeks to describe and interpret what is (can about the condition or existing relationship, opinion growing, ongoing process, result or effect that occurs or emerging trend).Basic techniques of data collection used is interview, observation and documentation. Interviews were used in the form of nonstandard or unstructured, done without preparation of a list of questions that tight, but based on the interview guide focused on research. Data analysis techniques in this study using a qualitative analysis of the interaction model proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that public service obtaining certificates of land that occurred in Sorong city land office applied based counter system to provide services that are easy for the public applicants for all service activities through mechanisms that have been specified for ease of service. But it must be admitted that there are services that have not been fully optimized in accordance with the procedures of service. Counter parties in implementing the maintenance service is not in accordance with SOP according to the stages of eligibility has been determined. Service activities implemented by the land office by the applicant community feedback or service activities is not optimal because they are less efficient service activities tend to be economical because the service is not simple and not timely completion. Simplicity of service as factors supporting and application services implemented in the Land Office Sorong. As a supporter of the service if the application in accordance with the procedure / procedures organized services easily, smoothly, fast and uncomplicated. As a barrier if the application does not have procedures SOP services, services complicated, slow and overly bureaucratic.



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