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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 5 - Issue 3, March 2016 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

The Urgency Of Ijtihad By Judges In Effort Law Invention At The Religion Court In Indonesia

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Kiljamilawati, H.M. Arfin Hamid, H. Sukarno Aburaera, H. Mustafa Bola



Court, Decision, Judge, Islamic Law



The presence of renewals in Islamic law, resulting in the emergence of various changes in the social order of Muslims either in relation to ideology, political, social, cultural and so on. It later brings new challenges that must be answered, and therefore ijtihad must be continuously made to find a solution to the various problems of new law which is required by Muslims. The type of research is a normative-juridical and empirical research. Normative research is trying to examine the problem of law invention by the judge in the Religion Courts with a case approach. Ijtihad has a very urgent role in efforts to carry out duties as law enforcer and justice by digging, follow and understand the legal values that live and develop in the peoples and accommodate the developments of Islamic law. The method of ijtihad by judges in the Religion Court use maqashid al-sharia and maslahah and istihsan method. At the practical level, so characteristic inherent in the religion courts persists, then should any verdict must include argument of Islamic law sources.



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