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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 3, March 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Root Cause Analysis Of Faculty Dis-Engagement In Higher Education Sector Using Fish Bone Diagram

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Ch.Madhavi Latha, Dr.Anouja Mohanthy, Nalla Ramakrishna



dis-engagement, engagement, faculty, higher education, organizational factors, personal factors, root causes



Engagement of employees is the critical factor and has much impact on the organizations, institutions and companies in achieving their vision and mission. Employee engagement is the physical, emotional, cognitive and intellectual involvement of an individual. In today’s turbulent environment the role of an engaged faculty in the higher education sector is highly undisputable. An engaged teacher will show high degree of commitment and involvement in the profession which will result in the quality outcomes. The objective of this study is to analyze the root causes for the faculty disengagement and to analyze the factors influencing majorly for dis-engagement in selected private higher education institutions in Bangalore by the both qualitative and quantitative methods. Some of the personal and organizational factors were analyzed through RCA(root cause analysis) using fish bone structure supported by literature review and validated through regression analysis. It was noticed that all the identified factors through RCA are influencing factors of faculty dis-engagement. However, the major influencing factors for dis-engagement identified are spiritual quotient of the faculty and HR policies of the organization are responsible for faculty dis-engagement. Lessons learned, suggested directions to minimize faculty disengagement and optimize faculty engagement and to promote faculty wellbeing.



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