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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 3, March 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616

Identifying Institutional Level Variables Which Affects The Level Of Organizational Commitment Among University Teachers

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Khushnuma Bano, Azra Ishrat, KK Mishra



University; Teacher; Organizational commitment; Salary; Leadership



the education sector is vital for the development of a country and needs to be dedicated and committed teachers to help it progress into a potential society. In this context, the organizational commitment of its teachers is of critical - importance for maintaining academic and administrative consistency among educational institutes. Organizational commitment also helps academic institutions to reduce attrition and thereby an increase in performance and productivity. This paper aims to understand the role of Organizational commitment in the education sector. It explores the factors that affect teachers’ Organizational commitment in higher educational institutes in North-India. A total of 845 responses were obtained from university teachers collected from nine government and private universities in the city of Lucknow. Results suggest that for private university teachers, salary is an essential concern. On the other hand, for government teachers, it is leadership that affects commitment. These factors, when given due consideration, can increase responsibility and, thus, academic performance. Suggestions for future studies include investigation at a broader level for better generalization of the findings.



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