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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 6 - Issue 6, June 2017 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Factors Influencing Water Resource Governance among Pastoral Community at Mkondoa Sub-Catchment, Morogoro Region, Tanzania

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Yeremia Yohana Masifia, Sarone Ole Sena



Water, social-economic, environmental, participation, sustainability



The importance of proper Water Resource Management with greater emphasis on ensuring sustainability, quality, accountability and community participation has become imminent as water resources increasingly become scarce (Harvey et al, 2007). Water resources management in Tanzania is governed under the National Water Policy of 2002 and Water Resources Management Act No.11 of year 2009. Other related legislations include Environmental Management Act No. 20 of year 2004, Forest Policy and Forest Act No. 14 of year 2002 and Water Supply Act No.12 of year 2009 among others. However the mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which all stakeholders articulate their priorities, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and mediate their differences is still missing. This study employed descriptive exploratory research design. Data collection was done by the use of both structured and semi structured interview to respondents who were both purpose and simple randomly selected, observation and focus group discussion. Review of reports from Districts and Basin offices and internet to access relevant secondary information was done. Results show that WUAs, LGAs and WSSAs lack relevant understanding, capacities, management and law enforcement as result water management generally remains non participatory, inefficient and expensive and increased water user conflicts in Kisangata and Ilonga WUAs of Mkondoa sub catchment, Morogoro region. The study propose participatory approaches best practices on water resource management at local level for embracement of Community- Based Water Resource Management as the only option of managing sub catchment water resources and reduce water related conflicts among water users. Awareness creation on policy and establishment of alternative economic activities like horticulture, bee keeping and poultry is significant to give relief to land.



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