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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 5, May 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

A New Pooling Method For Improvement Of Generalization Ability In Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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El houssaine HSSAYNI , Mohamed ETTAOUIL



Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Neural Networks, Generalization Ability, l^(1/2) Regularization, Pooling methods, Regularization methods.



As powerful visual models, deep learning models, in particular, deep convolutional neural networks(DCNNs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in various challenging artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks and attracted considerable interests in recent years. A pooling process plays a very important role in deep convolutional neural networks, which serves to reduce the dimensionality of processed data for decreasing computational cost as well as for avoiding overfitting and improving the generalization capability of the network. Although standard pooling techniques, such as the max pooling and the l^p pooling (where p≥1 ) are typically adopted in various studies, we alternatively propose, in this paper, a new pooling method named l^(1/2) pooling in order to improve the generalization capability of DCNNs. Experimental results on two image benchmarks indicate that l^(1/2) pooling outperforms the existing pooling techniques in classification performance as well as is efficient for enhancing the generalization capability of DCNNs. Moreover, we show that the l^(1/2)pooling combined with other regularization methods, such as dropout and batch normalization, is competitive with other existing strategies in classification performance.



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