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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 6 - Issue 2, February 2017 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Determination Of Parameters Standardization Crude Drug And Extract Arabica Coffee Beans (Coffea Arabica L.)

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Muchtaridi, Rani Rubiyanti, Hamidah Nuruljanah, Mira Laila N A, Nurul Asih R, Moelyono MW, Aliya Nurhasanah, Ida Musfiroh



Standard parameter, Crude drug, Extract, Coffee Bean, Coffea arabica L..



Quality of crude drug extract of coffee bean (Coffeea arabica L.) determined by the value of crude drug and extract standard parameter. In this research, coffee bean derived from Pangalengan, Garut, and Tasikmalaya. Standard parameters determined consisted of non-specific parameters and specific parameters. The results of crude drug determination of non-specific parameters including the loss of dry ranged from 8,000%-10,667%;; water content ranged from 7,2%-8,0%; total ash content ranged from 7,2%-8,0%; and acid insoluble ash content ranged from 1,97%- 2,15%. The results of determination of specific parameters including organoleptic examination crude drug, oval shapes, green colour, typical coffee odour, bitter taste; water-soluble contents ranged between 12,30%-14,67%; levels ethanol-soluble contents ranged between 6,67%-8,50%. The results of extract determination of non-specific parameters including the specific gravity of the extracts ranged from 0,894-0,936; the loss of dry ranged from 18,1667%-21,83%; water content ranged from 5,0%-10%; total ash content ranged from 1,77%-3,18%; and acid insoluble ash content ranged from 0,56%- 0,69%. The results of determination of specific parameters including organoleptic examination extract, pasta shapes, green colour, typical extract odour, bitter taste; water-soluble contents ranged between 7,20%-7,73%; levels ethanol-soluble contents ranged between 32,000%-38,166%.



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