International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 8 - Issue 11, November 2019 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Research On Packet Inspection Techniques

[Full Text]



Argha Ghosh, Dr. A. Senthilrajan



Intrusion Detection System, Network Intrusion Detection System, Host Intrusion Detection System, Packet Inspection Techniques, Shallow Packet Inspection, Medium Packet Inspection, Deep Packet Inspection.



Packet Inspection techniques are useful for the purpose of monitoring and analyzing the network traffic of a network as well as for Intrusion Detection Systems also. Moreover, Packet Inspection techniques are widely used by all the security concern-oriented systems and servers as well as, by all kinds of firewalls, gateway, etc. for providing better security to end user. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are generally used Packet Inspection Techniques to detect the vulnerable anomalies from the Internet to protect end-user. There are three types of packet inspection techniques are there and they are Shallow Packet Inspection, Medium Packet Inspection and, Deep Packet Inspection. Among all those packet inspection techniques, Deep Packet Inspection is the most used technique in recent time as well as the most effective technique for packet inspection in real-time traffic over SPI and MPI.Shallow Packet Inspection is the first introduced packet inspection technique in the domain of network data packet monitoring and mainly known for performing the task of identifying the packet’s IP address, port number moreover known for inspecting the header of the data packet. Medium Packet Inspection used network’s nodes in terms of Networking and Data Communication called middle-boxes though are mainly used to be placed in a network and using those middle- boxes, Medium Packet Inspection perform the job of monitoring the network. Deep Packet Inspection is the technique among those packet inspection techniques, though can perform the task of analyzing packet on the packet’s header as well as in packet’s payload also. This research work will give an overview of all the three-packet inspection technique as well as describe all the aspects of those three packet inspection techniques from the perspective of real-time network traffic identification.



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