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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 2- Issue 12, December 2013 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Electricity From Nuclear Power: Is It A Solution To Greenhouse Gas Emissions In India

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Shilpa Kumari, Padma S Rao



Index Terms: Climate change, Environmental sustainability, GHG emissions, Nuclear Energy, source of electricity, Energy demand



Abstract: If asked, what is the relation between climate change, intense weather and health - probably the answer would be a straight line relation among the three. The earth is getting warmer day by day and global warming has become a major concern in the past few decades. Various research work is going on but so much of carbon dioxide has already been poured into the atmosphere, so that the technology improvement to reduce the Greenhouse gas emissions is the only solution. This study includes (a) the present scenario of nuclear power plant in India(b) electricity generated from different sources of energy and(c) its adverse effects on the global climate change. This study also includes the critical analysis of coal based thermal power plant because the fossil fuels are dominating in the power sector which is not recommended for the sustainable development of the country. The data concludes that Nuclear energy based power plant is the best option since emission can be minimized up to 7 times and also with respect to the amount of electricity generated and resources used. 90% share of each greenhouse gas is from coal based power plant and only 10% from nuclear based power plant.



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