International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 5 - Issue 1, January 2016 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Langasa: System Public Confidence Againts Spirits “Nene Mahu” In Negri Seith, District Maluku Central

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Ratna Dewi Lampong, H. Hamka Naping, Basir Syam, Muhammad Basir



system, trust, society



The purpose of this research to describe and analyze the system of beliefs and basic philosophical contained in ritualistic langasa in Negri Morella, the application of religious rituals, analyze forms of syncretism as well as analyzing the values contained in ritual langasa on society Negri Morella, analyze the reasons . The reason langasa ritual still preserved in the country Morella and models existence of syncretism in celebration tradition for the community langasa Negri Morella and analyze models of existence of syncretism in the tradition of Morella Langasa on public land. This research forms using qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are observation and interviews directly to all related events, public events and community activities Langasa Seith in running tradition. Tools and objects were taken as the content of the offerings and the behavior of people who do Langasa tradition. The results obtained in these studies is a system of public confidence Negri Seith is a system of beliefs layered starts with the belief in supernatural forces beyond human power that the forces of nature so that in every action should more protect nature because nature has the power destroy if damaged by man , The next rising confidence in the power of the spirits of the ancestors (“tete nene moyang”), it is believed that the “tete nene moyang”are saints who never lost even have died. “Tete nene moyang” are believed to remain living in the vicinity of human life while overseeing all human actions so that at any given moment they can give goodness in every human demand against him but also can provide disaster if people violate customary rules. Because according to the society that “tete nene moyang” customs form which is run by the public until now. “Nene Mahu” believed its existence because it has a lot of events and incident, experienced by the people associated with the power “Nene Mahu” are able to meet all the requests addressed to him. It also “Nene Mahu” believed to give good or for bad for humans if humans do good as well as errors. This makes the public still believes the “Nene Mahu” and to keep the tradition langasa if there is a particular intention or just to show respect to him.



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