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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 6 - Issue 12, December 2017 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Effect Of Water Content And Particle Size On Sawdust Liquefaction For Adhesive Material

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Budy Rahmat, Suharjadinata, Rudi Priyadi



liquefaction, particle size, moisture content, sawdust, adhesive



The aim of this study was to determine the effect of water content and particle size of sawdust on its liquefying into wood adhesives. The water content and particle size of the sawdust as the respective treatment factors were arranged in a randomized block design, namely: (i) water content was varied as w1 (22%), w2 (19 %); and w3 (14 %); and (ii) the particle size was varied as s1 (sieved in 0.5 mm), s2 (sieved in 1 mm); and s3 (sieved in 1.5 mm). Experimental data were analyzed by Anova and continued with Duncan's multiple range test. The results of the experiments showed that, no interaction between the water content and the particle size of the sawdust to the volume of adhesive as the liquefying yield and the weight of the residue, but the interaction occured on the bonding strength of the adhesive. Sawdust size of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 were not affected on the liquefying process. While the water contents were affected to : (i) reduce volume of adhesive, which the highest by 22 % for 59.89 mL; and (ii) rise weight of the residue, which the highest was for 74.75 g. The highest bonding strength was obtained at a water content of 22% and size of sawdust between of 1 to I .5 mm.



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