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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 8 - Issue 12, December 2019 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Critical Tradition On Hadith By Persis's Scholars (The Analysis On Acceptance And Rejection Of Al-Mustadrak Book)

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Rafid Abbas



Al-Mustadrak, Sahihain, research, PERSIS (The Islamic Unity of Indonesia)



The book of al-Mustadrak composed by Abu Abdullah al-Hakim seemed to contain controversial hadith, especially those which were not found in the sahihain i.e. the book of Bukhari and Muslim but making use of the terms prepared by both or one of them, as well as sanad and matan on some hadith using another narration. Al-Hakim has contributed much in the science of Dirayah and became the methodological foundation in determining the validity of a hadith. Al-Hakim also specified the hadith criteria of valid, fair and weak, but not systematically, and much more that al-Hakim contributed to the science of hadith. Al-Hakim also received many judgments from Hadith scholars; there were criticisms, reproaches and praises, among his criticisms, some claiming that al-Hakim was a Shi’ite follower of Rafidli Khabith, but with a Sunni face, fanatical followers of Ali bin AbiTalib and hate Mu'awiyah. Hadith that are reported to be better known among the Shi'ites, but still use the sahihain theory, others claim that the hadith narrated by al-Hakim are not found in sahihain's terms and others praise him that al-Hakim is a reliable narrator of hadith, because it is very rigorous, powerful, objective, tsiqah and wara' (careful). PERSIS sees that the hadith compiled and narrated by al-Hakim are full of controversy. Therefore it is necessary to conduct research and using the theory of thariqatuljam'ie (collect all the hadith then re-examined, after that takes his own attitude) and the scholars of PERSIS do not recognize the term fadailula'mal



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