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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 8 - Issue 12, December 2019 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

The Analysis Of Liquidity And Its Effect On The Social Performance Of Tribuyut Gapoktan Cooperative, Tanjung Raja District, Ogan Ilir Regency

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Neny Rostiati, Harsi Ramli, Fakhry Zamzam






Tribuyut Sakti Agro Cooperative is an Agribusiness Microfinance Institution (LKMA) formed through the PUAP program. This institution is needed for interests such as savings and loans in the form of soft credit and the provision of factors of production (fertilizer, seeds, products and agricultural equipment). In addition, it is expected that LKMA which has grown from Gapoktan can become a guarantor for the selling price of agricultural products owned by farmers so that they can become pioneers of microfinance institutions in rural areas to improve the economy of rural communities. This study analyzes the effect of Liquidity (CR and QR on social performance (Average Loans) of gapoktan using time series data (annual financial reports from 2012-2016) and cross section data (6 farmer groups), the method of determining the sample with a purposive sampling method, testing the hypothesis using multiple analysis techniques with the application of SPSS version 23. Liquidity data analysis results using the t-test, CR has a positive and significant effect with the value of t count 2.134> t table 1.709 and QR, no effect on t count of -0.959 < t table 1.709 on Social Performance (Avg_LOANS). Simultaneously based on the F test of Financial Performance (Liquidity) with an F count of 2,295> F table 1,702 influential on Social Performance (Avg_LOANS). Based on the Kemenkop UKM Financial Performance Standard Criteria No.6/Per/M.KUKM/V/2006, the average financial performance results are Good.



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