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Volume 5 - Issue 4, April 2016 Edition

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Dr. Enung Nurjanah

The purpose of this study is to determine the local policy as the basis for the personality formation in the traditional village of Rancakalong, Sumedang, in the tradition of Ngalaksa, which includes: local policy and personalities from the perspective of character education; local personality can be an identity of a community from the perspective of character education; religion in human relations; society and culture; and, local policy plays a role in the personality formation from the perspective of the character education. This study is a qualitative research, and it uses a phenomenological approach, and analytical descriptive methods. Qualitative data needed in this research are concerning local policy and personalities, local personalities that can be a community identity, religion in human relations, society and culture, and policy that plays a role in personality formation from the perspective of the character education. All of them must be appropriate and considered necessary to solve the research problem formulated in the study. Analysis of the local policy as the basis of the personality formation in the traditional village of Rancakalong, Sumedang in the tradition of Ngalaksa is conducted by describing: local policy and personalities from the perspective of character education; local personality can be an identity of a community from the perspective of character education; religion in human relations; society and culture; and, local policy plays a role in the personality formation from the perspective of the character education.

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Peter B. Kaaya, Rustus E. Assey

This study was conducted to determine the availability and effectiveness of ICT resources that aims at solving people’s environmental and socio-economic challenges in Tanzania focusing on regions of Arusha and Manyara. The study in detail examined the role of ICT in solving socio-economic challenges facing community members. Moreover, different frameworks were taken into consideration subject to the intended objectives; the involvements of both quantitative and qualitative techniques were deployed and data collection was conducted through interviews, observation, documentation, focus group discussions and questionnaires in the selected regions. The study findings offers an understanding on the current ICT situation in the local communities, the report further recommended on involving community leaders in educating community members on ICT uses and their roles in the daily routines subject to the available limited resources; insisting on the development of the local contents of the software and applications to be used by community members as well as involving all development stakeholders using ICT enabling people to have access to real time information and fast service delivery in their daily lives and thus total transformation of the country to e-Tanzania.

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Bahrul Ilmi, Chatarina Umbul Wahyuni, Hari Basuki N

The research objective to formulate predictive index of Tuberculosis Children in South Kalimantan province. Research methods combined (mixed methods) with a combination of research model (Sequential Exploratory Design) qualitative approach to support quantitative and centered on quantitative (Sugiono, 2012), case control design. The number of qualitative sample was 16 respondents to interviews and 48 respondents for FGD. The number of quantitative research sample was 216 consisted of 62 cases and 154 controls. Qualitative sampling by purposive sampling and quantitative Multi-stage Cluster random sampling on 3 stages. The analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Confirmatory Factor Analysis), measure the latent of variables by using path analysis (path analysis) with the program Linear Structural Relationships (LISREL). The results showed a positive effect on the socio-cultural environment and significantly associated with the incidence of Tuberculosis Children. While the physical environment of the house positively and significantly with biological environments, and the incidence of Tuberculosis Children and immunization and nutrition status of children positively and significantly to the incidence of Tuberculosis of the Child, as well as to the biological environment positive and significant effect on the incidence of TB Children. Formulation Predictive Index of Tuberculosis Children in South Kalimantan province. is index = 0:19 * Physical Environment * Home + 0:44 + 0:53 * Biological Environment Social Environment Culture + 0:19 * Status Immunization and Child Nutrition. The results of all the R-square value indicates that all of the R-square values> 0.5. This means that a predictive model of TB Kids index has met the required Goodness of Fit. New findings from research of this dissertation are: 1. Research Variable of social networks, social support and collective efficacy were associated with the incidence of Tuberculosis Children. 2. Produce Predictive Index Tuberculosis Children in South Kalimantan Province.

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Febriyanto, Sucherly, Surachman Sumawiharja, Septiadi Padmadisastra

This research is conducted to examine the influence of market attractiveness and dynamic capability on strategic competitive response through overall logistics strategies of logistics service providers (LSPs). Involving 266 LSPs, SEM-LISREL is applied to test the hypotheses. The findings reveal that the market attractiveness and the dynamic capability positively affect the overall logistics strategy. Additionally, the market attractiveness and the dynamic capability positively affect the strategic competitive response. Indirectly, the market attractiveness and the dynamic capability positively affect the performance through strategic competitive response of LSPs. Obviously, overall logistics strategy strengthen the influence of both market attractiveness and dynamic capability on strategic competitive response. There are five alternatives to optimize the overall logistics strategy of LSPs; market intensification, integration, focus, collaboration, and strengthening value proposition. The involvement of overall logistics strategy as mediating variable is new paradigm in the strategic management discourses, especially in logistics industry. Further research needs to be performed by involving the size of business as control variable and LSPs' perception on Government's policies.

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Shivashish Ratnam, Mimzee Gupta, Dr. Ajay S. Singh, Thirunavukkarasu K

Cloud computing is one of the rising technologies, that takes set of connections users to the next level. Cloud is a technology where resources are paid as per usage rather than owned. One of the major challenges in this technology is Security. Biometric systems provide the answer to ensure that the rendered services are accessed only by a legal user or an authorized user and no one else. Biometric systems recognize users based on behavioral or physiological characteristics. The advantages of such systems over traditional validation methods, such as passwords and IDs, are well known and hence, biometric systems are progressively gaining ground in terms of usage. This paper brings about a new replica of a security system where in users have to offer multiple biometric finger prints during Enrollment for a service. These templates are stored at the cloud provider’s section. The users are authenticated based on these finger print designed templates which have to be provided in the order of arbitrary numbers or imaginary numbers that are generated every time continuously. Both finger prints templates and images are present and they provided every time duration are encrypted or modified for enhanced security.

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Nikita Kamble, Vaishnavi Patil, Shweta Desai, Dhanashri Kasar, Mrunali Patil

Computer technology has rapidly grown over past decades. Most of this can be attributed to the Internet as many computers now have a need to be networked together to establish an online connection. A local area network is a group of computers and associated devices that share a common communication line or wireless link to the service. Typically, a LAN compasses computers and peripherals connected to a secure server within a small geographic area such as an office building or home computer and other mobile devices that share resources such as printer or network storage. A LAN is contrasted in principle to a wide area network(WAN)which covers a larger geographic distance and may involve leased telecom circuits while the media for LANs are locally managed. Ethernet are twisted pair cabling & Wi-Fi are the two most common transmission technologies in use for LAN. The rise of virtualization has fueled the development of virtual LAN(WLAN)which allows network administrator to logically group network nodes & partition their networks without the need for major infrastructure changes. In some situations, a wireless LAN or Wi-Fi maybe preferable to a wired LAN because of its flexibility & cost. Companies are asserting WLANs as a replacement for their wired infrastructure as the number of smart phones, tablets & other mobile devices proliferates.

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Anup Badhe

Programmatic inventory auction or Real Time Bidding is the latest buzz in the mobile advertisement industry. This concept refers to a real time auction held for mobile advertisement spots and bidders bidding for that spot to show their advertisement. For a programmatic exchange that conducts these auctions detecting advertisements that auto click becomes very important since click fraud can quickly degrade the quality of supply for the exchange. Click fraud robs advertisers of their connection to unique users / potential customers they might acquire. Click fraud nowadays is achieved with scripts to make it more legitimate and convincing.

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Anup Badhe

Finding the appropriate mobile audience for mobile advertising is always challenging since there are many data points that need to be considered and assimilated before a target segment can be created and used in ad serving by any ad server. Deep learning neural networks have been used in machine learning to use multiple processing layers to interpret large datasets with multiple dimensions to come up with a high-level characterization of the data. During a request for an advertisement and subsequently serving of the advertisement on the mobile device there are many trackers that are fired collecting a lot of data points. If the user likes the advertisement and clicks on it, another set of trackers give additional information resulting from the click. This information is aggregated by the ad server and shown in its reporting console. The same information can form the basis of machine learning by feeding this information to a deep learning neural network to come up with audiences that can be targeted based on the product that is advertised.

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Omisore, E.O., Agbabiaka, H. I.

Since medical tourism attract patient from various origin to seek medical services at different destinations, it is paramount to consider the factors that motivate patrons’ decision on medical tourism. Hence, this study assesses the factors influencing patronage of medical tourism in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria. Lagos State is situated in the southwestern corner of Nigeria, it lies within Latitudes 6°2’N to 6°4’N of the Equator and Longitudes 2°45’E to 4°20E of the Greenwich meridian. Metropolitan Lagos is a statistical division, and not an administrative unit, it extends over 16 of the 20 LGAs of Lagos State, it contains 88% of the population of Lagos State, and includes semi-rural areas. Data were collected from primary source. Primary data collection was carried out through the use of structured questionnaire. Systematic sampling technique was employed to select 15 specialized private hospitals and 14 Public hospitals in the study area, resulting to a sample size of 29 hospitals. Ten (10) patrons were contacted in each of the selected hospitals; consequently, 290 patrons were sampled. The study revealed three factors influencing patronage of medical tourism in the study area to be service related, economic, and facilities. These were further established by factor analysis result which combine service related/ economic factor as factor one with (29.5% variance explained and Eigen value of 5.605), Facility factor as factor two with (28.6% variance explained and Eigen value of 5.435), Service related factor as factor three with (14.7% variance explained and Eigen value of 2.788) and Economic factor as factor four with (9.2% variance explained and Eigen value of 1.754). The relevant authority in charge of health facilities in the study area would have to employ adequate manpower in-terms of doctors and other healthcare personnel across the public hospital, while also regulating the scale of charges of the registered private hospitals in the study area. There is need to improve upon the state of facilities and equipment in both public and private hospital in the study area and orient these towards meeting patrons’ needs and wants for improved health care services. The study therefore concluded that the factors influencing patronage of medical tourism are service related, facilities and economic.

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Elsa Mallawa, Achmar Mallawa, Faisal Amir

Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) is an important commodity which is exploited by fisherman throughout the year using various types of fishing gear, so as expected the pressure on fish populations is very high and will disrupt the sustainability of population indicted bye the small size of fish caught. This study aims to determine some parameters of population dynamics of Skipjack such as age group, growth rate, fishing mortality, the rate of exploitation, and yield per recruits was conducted on September 2015 – February 2016 in the Makassar Strait Waters, South Sulawesi. The number of samples used was 3811fish with a total length range from 29.1 to 67 cm. The results showed that fish populations of Skipjack in the Makassar Strait Waters consists of three age groups where the average length of 1st, 2and, 3rd were 35.3507 cm, 44.7361 cm, and 54.2067 cm respectively and the infinity length, growth rate, and age where length of fish equal to zero were 108.1864 cm, 0.4489 per year and -0.5910 year respectively. The rate of total mortality (Z) was 0.97 per year, natural mortality (M) was 0.13 per year, fishing mortality was 0.83 per year and the rate of exploitation (E) was 0.86 per year and the yield per recruitment (Y/R) was 0.1270 g/recruitment.

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Dhamiaa H. Muhsen, Asaad F.Khattab, Anwar M. Ezzat

The mass attenuation coefficient (μ_m) for pure polyamide C_26 H_26 N_6 O_2and pure polyazomythen C_26 H_18 N_(6 )were measured at 59,511 and 622 keV photon energies. The samples were separately irradiated with(_^241)Am,(_^22)Na, (_^137)Cs, radioactive gamma sources. The mass attenuation coefficient (μ_m) for composites materials from this polymers and nano oxide CuO and Co_3 O_4were measured using the same gamma sources. The relationship between the values of (μ_m) versus gamma energies, and exist the attenuation of gamma ray increases with increasing the doping ratio specially at energy 59 keV.The samples that dope with two nano oxide best from samples that dope with one nano oxide.

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Tuan M. Ha, Ockie J.H. Bosch, Nam C. Nguyen

Various failures of the traditional approach in community development in developing countries have led to the development of a more appropriate and holistic approach to address complex development issues. Systems approaches and cutting-edge tools have recently been embraced to deal with such complexities under contexts of interwoven relationships amongst social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors. This paper provides reflections on practical value of the Evolutionary Learning Laboratory (ELLab) through a case study on improving the quality of life for women farmers in northern Vietnam, where gender-bias labour hardship and poor living-standard are evident. The first five steps of the participatory systems-based ELLab were implemented during 2013-2014 providing valuable results that have made both practical and theoretical contributions with substantial implications to community development. Our study finds that the context-based results reshaped the original project goal. The approach and framework helped to identify and engage right stakeholders in problem analyses and decision making activities. Fuzzy problems within the complex web of life of the women and rural households were uncovered using relevant systems tools to develop a big picture (systems model) of the current situation, defining levers for systemic interventions. The ELLab helps to build capacity of local people for taking ownership of the process and outcomes to guarantee sustainability and long-term impacts. It also facilitates true participation and co-learning amongst stakeholders, triggering transformative learning. Contributions to action research and an innovative mechanism for sharing reflections and lessons at both local and global levels via the online Think2ImpactTM are discussed.

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Mokhtar Karami, Mehdi Asadi

The main objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of prone areas for apple cultivation in Razavi Khorasan province. Therefore, in this study, criteria and sub criteria were considered to determine suitable areas for growing apple trees, and due to the importance of data integration, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was selected to determine the weight of layers. The software ArcGIS version 10.2.2 was used to analyze the spatial and overlapping layers, after data analysis, in terms of growing apple trees, Razavi Khorasan province was divided into four levels: very good, good, average and bad. The results showed that suitable areas for growing apple trees in the studied area are located in the south, east, northeast and center of the province including Sarakhs, Neyshaboor, Gonabad and Kashmar stations with an area of over 4364789.32 hectares, which is about 48.34% of the total area of the province.

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Niti Gupta, Dr. Poonam Bansal

This paper is focused on the adaptive noise cancellation of speech signal using the least mean square (LMS) and normalized least mean square method (NLMS). Adaptive Noise Cancellation is an alternative way of cancelling noise present in a corrupted signal. In this technique, evaluation of distorted signal by additive noise or interference achieved with no a priori estimates of signal or noise. A comparative study is carried out using LMS and NLSM methods. Result shows that these methods has potential in noise cancellation and can be used for variety of applications.

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Rahul Ravneel Prasad, Anamika

The wood rotting fungi might have played an important role in sustaining the forest ecosystem since fungi are major decomposers where they break down organic matter which would otherwise not be recycled. Elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus are required in large quantities by biological systems which are not in abundant in the environment. The action from the fungi’s allows the release of these elements from decaying woods and logs to be available to other living organism and having a balanced ecosystem in the forest. In the present investigation a survey was made in which eighteen samples of wood rotting fungi were collected from Bulileka and Valebasoga, Vanua Levu, Fiji Island. Morphological study of the collected fungi was carried out with the respect to common name, scientific name, locality, season, edibility and morphology of fruiting body.

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Nirav Mehta

Introduction: Technology is one of most important factor in today’s life. IPAD is leading as people can make use of technology by just pressing buttons. Networking, technology and education makes communication easier and helps people in easy education and awareness. Aim & objectives: The main aim of the study is to educate and aware among people regarding eye health and the check the visual function of their eye by using Apple I pad. Material and Methodology: The following study is a home based vision screening program [using IPAD] which uses the basic tests like visual acuity, color vision, contrast sensitivity and amsler tests for checking the basic functions of the eye. The study was performed in many societies moving from one place to another using IPAD as a tool. Reliability of ipad was checked, a pilot study on 25 subjects visual acuity, colour vision and contrast sensitivity was taken on both ipad and Original chart like snellen , ishihara and pellirobson and compared in which the results and the accuracy were same. The study also contains questionnaire on the awareness and education about eye health. The subjects included in the study were an age group of 10 to 70. Subjects like infants and blind were not included in the study. Results: During the study it was observed that there is no significant difference in testing of visual acuity between ipad and Snellen standard chart. The subjects responded actively towards screening and that home vision screening can be possible. During the study it was found that 40 subjects out of 100 needed further detailed check-up and were referred in Rotary eye hospital hospital but only 3 out of 40 came for it. This shows that they are less aware and education about their eye health. Software used in IPAD were visual acuity, color vision, contrast sensitivity and amsler tests A questionnaire was also asked which indicated less awareness among the common people. Conclusion: We examined with just an ipad and not an expensive piece of clinical equipment. Extremely simple to use not very expensive and freely available everywhere. The technology is within the reach for everyone and can be personalised differently for everyone to suit their specific needs. Technology and education always move hand in hand for best and easiest learning education system. We can conclude that it is very valuable for patients who are bedridden, very old age and young child can be tested at home with this technology.

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Agus Lanini, Juajir Sumardi, Abrar Saleng, Abd. Maasbah Magassing

The aims of this research are to know and explain synchronizing the principles of TRIMs at the foreign direct investment (FDI) and mining regulation in Indonesia. The research using normative research that conducted through library or document study such legal resources as primary sources, secondary, and tertiary sources that will be studied with applied legal approach, comparative, history and conceptual approach. Research results are revealing that synchronizing between the principles of TRIMs and Investment act 2007and Mineral and Coal act 2009 were not harmonized. It should be TRIMs and investment act 2007 have some similarity principles as harmonized even though Mineral and Coal act 2009 does not enough accessibility for the principles of TRIMs. Implication of the Mineral and Coal act 2009 raise a strong and real authority of the state even central or local government. Those policy results an overlap regulation caused state management system over natural resources ineffective.

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Olaoluwa A. Idayat, Samson A. Samuel, Muibi K.H, Ogbole John, Alaga A, T., Ajayi Victoria

Urban Land use changes, quantification and the analysis of rate and trend of growth would help in planning and resource management. Hence it will aid proper deployment and allocation of human resources geared towards sustainable development. This require spatio-temporal techniques which involved the use of Geographic Information Science and Remote Sensing. This research work is aimed at analyzing the spatiotemporal trends and urban growth patterns in Akure Metropolis. Three scenes of Landsat Images were implored which span across year 1986, 2000 and 2015 to study the rate and trend of growth in Akure metropolis. The images were pan-sharpened and subsequently, the bands of interest were layerstacked and re-sampled in Erdas 9.2. Maximum likelihood was used for classification and thus, map to map comparison was done to determine the changes in land use. Further analysis was done in ArcGIS 10.3 to determine and visualize the change dynamics of Akure metropolis. This research revealed that between 1986 and 2000 there is an increase of 1.1% change in built up, and between 2000 and 2015, an increase in growth of 7.8% was recorded. The degree of growth keeps increasing thus, Urbanization could strongly be an influencing factor to the growth process.

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B. S. Kamble, V. J. Fulari, R. K. Nimat

Strontium-doped lanthanum manganite (La1-xSrxMnO3-δ-LSM) has received much attention in recent years. Most studies have concentrated on thin film samples at low temperatures. La1-xSrxMnO3-δ (LSM) has proved to be efficient cathode material for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). In the present work the strontium-doped lanthanum manganite (La0.9Sr0.1MnO3-δ) were synthesized by spray pyrolysis technique in the thin film form on alumina substrate which was characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy. The spectroscopic properties such as IR, FT-Raman have been studied. The temperature dependence resistivity and Dielectric constant was carried out at different frequencies. Film thickness measurement was carried out by using surface profilometer. X-ray diffraction results clearly indicated that sintered LSM at 900oC for 2 hours show the formation of single phase solid solution with pervoskite like structure. Crystalline size has been calculated by SEM microscopy. Resistivity of LSM thin film decreases as absolute temperature increases and Dielectric constant suddenly decreases at low frequency and became constant as frequency increases. The film thickness is about 200 nm and roughness of the sample is 4000Ao.

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Abdullah Almutairi

Some diabetes patients differ whether to reject or accept preventive health services or healthy living techniques. The health belief model theory asserts that there is a high probability that an individual will respond to messages concerning disease prevention and health promotion when there exist certain four conditions. The first condition is when that individual believes that he is at risk of developing a specific condition. This is also possible when the individual believes that there exist serious risks and consequences upon developing the said conditions. An additional aspect is the existence of a belief that it is possible to reduce the risk through a specific behavioral change. Finally, if the individual believes that it is possible to manage and overcome barriers to behavior change.

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Galuh Tresna Murti

The purpose of this research is to describe and to know the effectiveness of the society assistance that establish and develop communities that are economically independent. The society assistance improve their skills in preparing financial reports in accordance with applicable standards in order to apply financial statements for well the best of business development. The method used is qualitative as a means to determine the technical implementation of the activities through interviews, questionnaires, and direct observations. Assistance activities were carried out on two business partners of shirt manufacturer in Surapati Shirt Manufacture Center Bandung of Sangkuriang Print and Eno Collection. Result obtained is an effective assistance session of preparing financial report based on Financial Accounting Standard of Entities Without Public Accountability Standard.

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Fouad A. Majeed, Sarah M. Obaid

Shell model calculations were performed to study the energy levels, binding energy and reduced transition probabilities B(E2;0+g.s→21+) for even-even 134,136 Sn,134,136Te around doubly magic core 132Sn by using shell model code Nushellx@MSU for windows by employing the effective interactions jj56pna, jj56pnb, kh5082, cw5082, jj56cdb and khhe. The result of theoretical calculations were compared with recent available experimental data for energy levels, binding energy and reduced transition probabilities.

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Mausumi Sahu

Plagiarism relates to the act of taking information or ideas of someone else and demand it as your own. Basically it reproduce the existing information in modified format. In every field of education, it becomes a serious issue. Various techniques and tools are derived these days to detect plagiarism. Various types of plagiarism are there like text matching, copy paste, grammar based method etc.This paper proposes a new method implemented in a program ,where we utilise a text set to identify the copied part by comparing with some existing multiple files. Here we put the concept of a machine learning language i.e k-NN. It helps us to identify whether a paper is plagiarized or not.

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Madhur Bakhle, Shivani Gite, Ameya Poyarekar, Ayaz Siddiqui, Shradha Patil

The design and fabrication of a low cost pedal operated incense-stick making machine to alleviate the labor intensive work associated with the production of bamboo-cored incense sticks is outlined in this paper. The machine is based on the mechanism of extruding the incense stick paste over the bamboo stick. The main components of this machine include a foot-pedal, a compound gear-train system, rack and pinion system and an extruder. As the paste used is of a semi-solid nature and a high force was needed for extrusion, a confined compression test using Universal Testing Machine was carried out to obtain rough estimates of the force required for the extrusion. During this experiment a known force was applied, varied and exerted on the rack until the paste was extruded out of the die. Using this force estimate, FEA analysis and theoretical calculations, a suitable two-stage compound gear-train system and a foot-pedal was designed. The lever and gear-train system was designed ergonomically so that the applied force results in a minimal muscle fatigue for the operator.

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The result of the application of effective accounting information system and provide quality and effective accounting information quality. Fundamental rule accounting information systems in an organization is generating accounting information quality through the process of collecting raw data, and then processed and then presented in the form of accounting information useful for user information. The purpose of this study was to know how the effect of Use of information technology on the quality of accounting information systems, organizational culture on the quality of accounting information systems, and the quality of accounting information system on the quality of accounting information. Based on the literature of some previous researchers proved that (a) technology affects the quality of accounting information systems, using information system (AIS) Effectively requires an understanding of the organization, management and information technology shaping the system. the use of information technology within an organization intended to provide information to the user. (B). Organizational culture affects the quality of AIS, at the stage of design and implementation of the system, required careful consideration of the information attitude is the main component of the organization, information systems can be substantially influenced by the culture of the organization. (C) accounting information quality influence on information accounting quality is built with the main purpose to process accounting data from various sources into the accounting information needed by a wide range of users to reduce risk when making decisions.

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Miguna Astuti, Yuyus Suryana

The primary problem leading to this study is the limited empirical knowledge on non-formal education SMBs or known more as ‘courses’ in Indonesia and especially in Jakarta Province. This makes the adapted theories and their successful implementation difficult to developt. The paper implores three specific problems: reputation of courses and the impact of customer value (CV) as well as customer relationship (CR) factors on it. The issued and endorsed General Agreement of Trade in Services (GATS) in 1995, followed by law No. 25 of 2005 issued by the government of Indonesia and the Presidential Degree No. 76 and 76 of 2007 established the non-formal education as one of the business fields open for investment without condition. Combined with the high population density in Jakarta and the 102.6 million people of school age population in Indonesia making courses as a very lucrative business and of high level competition. The specific goals and contributions of the research include: (1) identifying customers’ perception on customer value of courses in Jakarta (2) identifying customers’ perception on customer relationship of courses in Jakarta (3) identifying customers’ perception on reputation of courses in Jakarta, and (4) analyzing the effect of customer value and customer relationship on reputation of courses in Jakarta. The research methods used are explanatory and descriptive surveys using simple random sampling technique for pulling sample. The data collecting technique used are literature studies, observations, and questionnaires. The result of the collected data with the primary data source was received in form of number of sample of 135 respondents, in this case were students of courses in Jakarta. The findings are: (1) Customer value perceived as average by customer (2) Customer relationship perceived as average by customer, while (3) Reputation perceived as above than average by customer, (4) The path analysis showed that customer value and customer relationship together have an influence on Reputation of courses in Jakarta, while individually, customer value have no significant effect on reputation of courses in Jakarta.

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Navjot Kaur, Sandeep Kad

Vehicular adhoc network is one of the recent area of research to administer safety to human lives, controlling of messages and in disposal of messages to users and passengers. VANETs allows communication of moving vehicular nodes. Movement of nodes leads in changing network size and scenario. Whenever a new node joins the network, there is a threat of malicious node attack. So, we need an environment that is secure and trust worthy. Therefore a new cluster based secure technique is proposed where cluster head is responsible for providing communication between the vehicular nodes. Performance parameters used in this paper are message drop ratio, packet delay ratio and verification time.

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Since the enactment of the autonomous region in the past decade that it gave a discretion to the Government of the province and district/cities to set up and manage its territory. With the autonomous region, where the share of funds for the good Government of the province or district/city gained a much greater funding than ever given the Province with a lot of natural resources. With the data of 9 district/cities in the Province of East Kalimantan obtained that the existence of autonomous region did not significantly improve per capita income growth but significant enough in lowering poverty goal of this research is to find out how big the influence of regional autonomy against per capita income growth and poverty in East Kalimantan in the period 2004 – 2013. This research method using eksplanatoris with data time-series and cross-section and mengaplikasian model of simultaneous equations (2SLS). The important findings of this study are (a), the mining sector gave a negative influence against the growth of per capita income, (b), government spending has no effect against per capita income growth of kabupaten/kota, (c), the influential economic growth negatively to poverty.

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Thelis R. S., Lakshani H. G. S., Samarawickrama S. S., KavinMukesh A., Wickramasinghe W. A. S. M., Dhammearatchi D.

The main focus of the proposed research is maintaining the security of a network. Extranet is a popular network among most of the organizations, where network access is provided to a selected group of outliers. Limiting access to an extranet can be carried out using Access Control Lists (ACLs) method. However handling the workload of ACLs is an onerous task for the router. The purpose of the proposed research is to improve the performance and to solidify the security of the ACLs used in a small organization. Using a high performance computer as a dedicated device to share and handle the router workload is suggested in order to increase the performance of the router when handling ACLs. Methods of detecting and directing sensitive data is also discussed in this paper. A framework is provided to help increase the efficiency of the ACLs in an organization network using the above mentioned procedures thus helping the organization’s ACLs performance to be improved, to be more secure and the system to perform faster. Inbuilt methods of Windows platform or Software for open source platforms can be used to make a computer function as a router. Extended ACL features allow the determining of the type of packets flowing through the router. Combining these mechanisms allows the ACLs to be improved and perform in a more efficient manner.

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Changes audit of traditional methods as a model audit system that uses information technology in the form of E-Government is expected to provide improved local government services to the public as a form of accountability of the use of local finance obtained from the community through taxes and levies in a transparent manner. This article aims to provide input to the BPK in performing audits in accordance with the E-Government which has not been implemented to the maximum as expected by the government. The study used a literature review by conducting an analysis of some of the views of experts and some previous research on the implementation of E-Government. Shows that the implementation of E-Government in Indonesia in general is still at the value of the first level and only a small portion has reached the level of the second and third in the interaction of the government to the public, this value is obtained from several viewpoints roadmap mapping results. Almost all government agencies own portal even to the level of transactions, but optimization is still lacking, it is due to lack of budget to the preparation of the well field infrastructure, the application of ICT and human resources.

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Otniel Safkaur

This research aims to investigate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues in the case of health sector in Papua province, Indonesia. With particular focus on the importance of CSR, the main objective of research is to construct a conceptual model of CSR comprehensively describing essential aspects of CSR relevant to the context of health sector for Papua. The CSR issues addressed in this research will integrate economic and social concerns which place ethical and discretionary expectation into a rational economic and legal framework. The model presented will articulate key aspects in the conceptual framework of CSR developed by Carroll’s pyramid of CSR taking into consideration the social issues involved in the health sector. The research found that the medical workers except nurse, health care coverage and facilities in Papua show unfavorable conditions. In addition to this condition, the finance issue has then influenced organizations’effort to meet the health needs of people. Despite all maximum services, customer satisfaction and profitability are not being met. The organizations have shown ethical conduct and obeyed all law and regulation in delivering the health service, however, the ability to meet all different varieties of expectations of the society is difficult to meet.

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Pushpendra Jha

The aim of this paper is to prepare a Hand Gesture Controlled Wheelchair for the physically disabled people who face difficulty in moving from one place to another in day today life. These days joystick controlled wheel chair is available in the market whose cost range between Rs 80,000 to Rs 150,000. We have prepared this Hand Gesture Controlled Wheelchair in Rs 22,000. An accelerometer is used as a sensor which gives an analog signal on its movement in any of the 6 axis directions, that is positive X axis, negative X axis, positive Y axis, negative Y axis, positive Z axis, negative Z axis. In this project we have considered X and Y axis for the direction. Further the input from sensor is given to encoder which sends the data wirelessly through the transmitter, then the data is received at the receiver end and the sensor data is decoded and finally given to microcontroller. Based on data received the from accelerometer the microcontroller sends the signal accordingly to relays to move the wheelchair in forward, backward, left, right directions. The accelerometer used here is MEMS (micro-electromechanical system).

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E. C. Chukwuma, G. O. Chukwuma, L. C. Orakwe

Poor waste management strategy in abattoir in the the study area has needs a major attention considering it negative impacts on man, land and water. Sitting of centralized biogas plant in a strategic location in the state would be the major means of combating the environmental challenges of increase in abattoir waste generation as result of population explosion in the state. This study investigates optimal location for sitting central abattoir waste treatment facility in Anambra State of Nigeria using facility location models with hotspot analysis in GIS environment. The result of the study shows that Using centre of gravity model, the central location was estimated to be at Xc, Yc = 6.900953016, 6.110157865. Based on inadequacy of the model, hotspot analysis operation was done, the hotspot analysis delineated clusters of abattoirs significantly higher in bio-wastes production than the overall study area. The hotspot analysis shows that the West regions of the study area has many abattoir that is classified as hotspot abattoirs. Using the hotspot abattoirs as proposed sites for load-distance model, three abattoirs were identified as proposed sites- Obosi slaugher house, Nkpor Private slaughter house and Oye-olise Ogbunike slaugher house. Their load distance values are 17250.40058, 16299.24005 and 18210.14631 respectively. The optimal location for construction of central abattoir bio-waste treatment facility based on the application of these location facility models and hotspot analysis is Nkpor private slaughter house or its environs.

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Lesi Hertati, Dr. Rumbiandini Sumantri

This article aims to determine, Just In Time, Value Chain Total Quality Management ( tqm ) as a technique in management accounting stategis.Tujuan Just In Time, value chain or value chain, Total Quality Management (TQM ) is strategic for customer satisfaction in the long term obtained from the information. Quality information is the way to continuous improvement in order to increase the company's financial performance in the long term to increase competitive advantage. Strategic Management Accounting process, gather competitor information, explore opportunities to reduce costs, integrate accounting with emphasis on the strategic position of the competition is a great plan. An overall strategic plan, interrelated and serves as the basis for achieving targets or goals ahead.

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Ruhul Fitrios

This article aims to determine the effect of top management commitment and user training on the implementation of accounting information systems. This study was conducted at hospitals type A, B and C in the region of Riau Province, Indonesia. The number of hospitals that fulfill the criteria to have the accounting information system for 42 hospitals. Totally 34 questionnaires are returned by respondents and can be processed. Data obtained are processed using SPSS version 21. The result showed that the top management commitment and user training affect the accounting information system implementation at hospitals type A, B, and C in the province of Riau. The results also showed that the implementation of accounting information system affect the accounting information quality.

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Adeyinka S. A., Kuye O. A., Agbabiaka H. I.

There is the need for people to buy and sell and transact their businesses in a way that life can go on normally. This study examined the markets facilities level and locational effects on adjoining neighbourhoods in Akure Township. Both primary and secondary data types were employed in the study; primary data were collected through the administration of questionnaire on traders and patrons/buyers in the markets, and residents of adjoining neighbourhoods and personal observation. Secondary data were collected from government publications. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistical methods which included frequency counts and Likert’s scale to analyse the satisfaction of traders and patrons on the facilities in the markets and severity of locational effects on residents of adjoining neighbourhoods. Findings from the study showed that facilities such as parking spaces, fire extinguishers, circulation spaces within the markets, trading spaces, safe area for children, perimeter fencing and loading and off-loading bay were inadequately provided. While on-street display of goods, traffic congestion, air pollution, on-street parking due to inadequate parking spaces were the severely perceived locational effects. The study concluded that facilities in the markets were inadequate and that markets constitute nuisances to the adjoining areas. It hereby recommends that markets in the study area be provided with the required level of facilities to prevent future urban problems.

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Daryanto Hesti Wibowo

This study will discuss the problem of how the management accounting system can meet the needs of high quality information to its users in managing creative city for the decision making process. A well-organized management of creative city is needed to overcome the problems of the city to become an innovative place in the development of urban socio-economic life. Accounting management system plays an important role in promoting accountability, efficiency and effectiveness of the creative city manager. Intellectual capital accounting makes management becomes more proficient in decision-making through: the formulation of different management accounting concepts from financial accounting perspective, the concept of connectivity and networking within the organization thereby increasing the relevance of management accounting, management accounting that meet the manager needs for managing creative city.

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Machiadikwe N. Benjamin Agbarevo Nwogu, Nnenna Victoria

Motivation is known to affect effectiveness of workers; but the level of extension agents’ motivation and how this has affected their effectiveness in Abia state is apparently unknown. A study was, therefore, conducted to determine the effect of motivation on effectiveness of extension agents in Abia State, Nigeria. Two blocks were selected from each of the three zones in the state at the first stage, giving total of 6 blocks. The second stage involved the selection of two sub-circles from each of the 6 blocks selected, giving a total of 12 extension sub-circles. At the third stage, 10 extension agents from each of the sub-circles were randomly selected, giving a sample size of 120 extension agents. The data for the study was collected with use of a structured questionnaire. The extension agents’ level of motivation and effectiveness were measured with the aid of a 5 point Likert rating scale. Data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics used were the mean, frequencies and the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient, which was used to determine the coefficient of correlation “ r ’’. The inferential statistic used was the t-test of significance of relationship. The study found a significant relationship between the level of motivation and effectiveness of extension agents. Hence, the null hypothesis which stated that there is no significant relationship between the level of motivation and effectiveness of extension agents was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis accepted at 95% confidence level and 119 degrees of freedom.

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Phuong T. Nguyen, Tuan M. Ha

This study aimed to understand peri-urban areas consumers’ perception of organic food and the importance of organic certification in customers’ decisions for obtaining insights into their consumption of organic food. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey at two main supermarkets in Gatton town (Queensland, Australia). This research showed that 42.4% of consumers purchase organic food at least once per month. Health protection was found the most important reason for Australian peri-urban consumers to purchase organic food. Most of them (89.5%) were interested in organic food, but only around 59% of consumers were confident with the claimed benefits of the food and 42% trust in the organic certification. The more consumers are interested in, trust and are confident with the claimed benefits, the more likely will they purchase organic food. In addition, organic labels and certification turned out to be important for the consumers when shopping organic food. This research was the first study to investigate the consumers’ perception of organic food in an Australian peri-urban area, especially relationships between the frequency of purchase and consumers’ level of knowledge and their behaviors toward organic food. Both practical and theoretical contributions of this study are also discussed.

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Madalina-Ioana Stoica, Mihaela-Laura Ivan

This paper presents an analysis on natality efficiency over the world due to local conditions of every country using the nonparametric technique Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The subject of demographic development is very important and is highly debated lately in the context of growing world population, where reached at this time 7 billion people, considering that economic resources are limited and the maximum number of children per family is restricted in some countries. The current research shows the existence of a correlation between birth rate and fertility rate, public health expenditure, sanitation facilities, female population based on the results obtained from the analysis of data sets for 207 countries. The efficiency is analyzed through multiple input output models and the efficient frontiers are presented.

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Abdullah Almutairi

When the theory of reasoned action is perceived in relation to the reduction of binge drinking among West Chester students, it will be important to consider the drinking as a behavior, which is in need of imminent change.

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Donny Maha Putra

Theoretically and practically Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a model that is considered most appropriate in explaining how the user receives a system. This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the attitudes towards the acceptance of Sistem Perbendaharaan Anggaran Negara (SPAN) using TAM approach. The problems raised in this research, aims to determine the attitude of the use of the transition process lagecy system to the new system which for many users create conflict in the process of adaptation. On the basis of this proposed theoretical models to test hypotheses using Structural Equation Model (SEM) and analysis tool using lisrel. This research was conducted in all offices DG of Treasury of Ministry of Finance with 210 respondents were chosen at random to represent each office. The results of this study prove 4 hypothesis is accepted from 8 hypothesis, namely: a) a negative affect with the results demonstrabilty, b) computer self-efficacy with the output quality, c) computer self-efficacy with the perceived ease of use, d) perceived ease of use with the perceived of usefulness. Overall indicates that the application of the SPAN system in the Ministry of Finance of In Indonesia can be accepted by users.

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Thobby Wakarmamu

Normatively, a housing development in Papua is a need that can not be ignored. The relationship between economic progress with the level of economic progress, is bidirectional. On one side of the housing development can stimulate economic growth and development. On the other hand, economic growth, particularly the growth of per capita income will increase growth in demand for home or place of residence. Theoretically, the income elasticity of demand for housing is greater than one. When the economy grew 1 percent, then the demand for housing will grow larger than 1 percent. In other words, the demand for housing is very sensitive to economic growth. Having regard to the economic development of Papua today, then greater attention and seriously to the problem of housing, especially housing should have become the government's main agenda of both central and local government of Papua. The issue is whether the real problem of public housing in Papua? The answer to this question is very important, in order to avoid overlapping of activities and housing policy will only be a waste of resources in Papua

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Eric Randy R. Politud

Defoliation of the lower leaves of the stem provides the upper leaves to maximize their photosynthetic activity, thus optimizing their growth and yield potentials. This study was conducted to determine the effect of artificial defoliations on the growth and yield of okra under the mid-elevation condition of Bukidnon, Northern Mindanao, Philippines. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four treatments and three replications was used, namely: T1 (no defoliation), T2 (defoliation of lower half of the stem- DLHS at 5 weeks after sowing-WAS), T3 (DHLS at 6 WAS), and T4 (DLHS at 7 WAS). Results revealed that artificial defoliations significantly influenced the production of pods, weight of pods per plant and the total pod yield per hectare, but not with the plant height, pest resistance, days to flowering, and length and diameter of pods. Removal of the lower leaves of the stem paved the way for upper leaves to intensify photosynthetic activity and minimized mutual shading and competition for foods. Treatment 4 consistently obtained the most number of pods (82), heaviest pods per plant (394.81 g) and highest total yield (9.87 t/ha). Consistently, T4 (defoliation at 7 WAS) registered the highest ROI with 425%, while T1 obtained the lowest with 316.11%. Thus, defoliations at 7 WAS of the lower leaves gave better growth and yield performance of Smooth Cayene variety than those undefoliated under the mid-elevation condition of Bukidnon.

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Sepky Mardian

This article aimed to know what is XBRL, how it works and it implies to audit process. XBRL as a new tool was expected to produce a timelines, reliable, and credible financial reporting. With its real-time and interactive data, XBRL will help the investor, and other stakeholder in receiving, storing, analyzing the information quickly. While in audit profession, XBRL will speed up the audit process, save the audit cost and increase the revenue. However, in fact, XBRL will make it happen if it was implemented and integrated to an information system owned by data/information provider.

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Anirban Jana, O.P.Shukla, Abhishek Pratap Shahi

This project is aimed for thermally analyzing stress and strain on cover plate of galvanizing bath tub at Bridge & Roof co. (I) Ltd in order to maintain 450°C in bath tub. Along with analysis part, cover plate shape was modified due to its continuous use & prevailing conditions at the workshop. The cover plate consist of insulating materials compacted to retain the heat in the bath tub. The thermal convection of air is less than thermal resistance of insulating materials used, thus heat loss is negligible. Thermal convection (air) = 0.0579 w/ (m k) Thermal Resistance (Insulator) = 7.046 w/ (m k). Thermal analysis report show, at 450°C. Deformation is effecting end portion = 2-3 mm. Stress & Strain at that portion is also low = 0.1-0.3 Mpa. Heat transfer of air is more than insulating materials. Thus, Heat transfer rate of Insulating materials being low they don’t conduct heat from the bath tub to the atmosphere. So, temperature of the bath tub is maintained. QA = 1806.25 W, Heat transfer rate of Air by convection QI = 270.43 W, Heat transfer rate of Insulation materials

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Dr. N. Sree Rajani, Dr. V. Bhargavi Reddy, A. Parvathi

Recruitment and selection lie at the heart of how businesses procure human resource required to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage over its competitors. Staffing personnel and especially managerial personnel in the organizations may well represent one of the most important human resource management functions. Information technology essentially refers to the digital processing, storage and communication of information of all kinds. The IT sector is likely to give employment to 9 million people in India by 2008 and also generate $ 87 billion in annual revenues and $ 225 billion in market in India by 2008. The present article focuses on how efficiently the IT sector follows the Recruitment & selection processes and to trace out the differences of the same between the Indian & MNC companies if any.

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Andrews Osei Mensah

Ghana School Feeding Programme was introduced at Atwima Kwanwoma District and other parts of the country in 2008 to alleviate hunger and to provide good nutrition for pupils in the public basic schools. Caterers were given contract to provide food to the school pupils on every school-going day under Ghana school feeding programme. Some years have lapsed and there is the need to look back and evaluate this programme taking into consideration the award and management of those contracts. The study also examined how the programme is monitored and evaluated. Data was collected from 80 respondents comprising 29 school pupils and 51 other actors through the use of questionnaire and interview guide It was realised that caterers who are well experience in catering services, were awarded contracts based on their past experience and financial abilities through submission of their certificates but not necessarily through bidding. The main component of managing the caterers’ contract included monitoring, payment of debt, and problems solving as well as supervision through visiting the schools on quarterly basis. The programme has helped to increase enrolment and retaining pupils in school. It was found out that food giving to the pupils was not served on time, not regularly bases and was not sufficient to the pupils as well. The health component of the programme has not been successful as expected. It is recommended that fruits and variety of foods need to be introduced together with de-worming the pupils.

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Eman Al-Saad

Fast food affects our life in many aspects. In fact, There are many reasons that have been shown why people continuing eating fast food while they knew about its negative effects on their health and family because of eating fast food. The commercial advertisements play a major role in consuming fast food. In this research, I will focus on causes and effects of eating fast food.

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In this works, the effects of the hardness on the stress relaxation behaviour of EPDM rubber at the room temperature were experimentally investigated. EPDM rubber show outstanding heat, ozone and weather resistance and has excellent electrical properties. Therefore this rubber as an elastomer is an engineering material that has wide range of applications in industry such as door and window seals, radiator, garden and heating hoses, tubing, washers, belts, electrical insulation, roofing membrane and rubber mechanical goods. In the study, stress relaxation experiments were carried out for different loading programs by using EPDM specimens having different hardnesses. In addition, for the loading programs that were implemented, it is shown that for the EPDM rubbers tested the stress relaxation curves obtained at different stretch ratios may be represented by a single representative curve for the specimens having the same hardnesses.

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N. B. Devi, P. K. Singh, A. K. Das

Zingiberaceae, one of the ten largest monocotyledonous families in India consisting of aromatic perennial herbs with creeping horizontal and tuberous rhizomes, comprising about 52 genera and more than 1300 species distributed throughout tropical Africa, Asia and America. It is also an important natural resources that provides many useful products for food, spices, medicines, dyes, perfumes and aesthetics to man. The gingers are well-known for their medicinal and economic significance. The plants either have or believed to possess certain spiritual or magical effect. In the context of climate variation, anthropogenic factors affect the climate. 27 species of 7 genera have been used extensively by the different communities inhabiting in the valley districts of Manipur.

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Kavan R. Tadhani

Many of today’s underground utilities are reaching the end of their practical life and need to be replaced or repaired. At the same time, new utility installations due to urban expansion and development of technologies such as communication line (Telecommunications, internet line, television cable etc…) water pipe line, sanitary sewer pipe line, Strom water pipe line, Gas pipe line are in progress. The communications lines are placed on ISA channel section. Hence accurate information of these utilities is essential for utility owners, engineers, contractors or surveyors, particularly as for reference. This all utilities are placed in R.C.C. box culvert with proper planning. The R.C.C. box culvert is placed on below the road level at one meter depth. There are also put a manhole for inspection. This facility provides easy maintenance and repair for work. These all work is carried out for new constructions and preplanning cities. The cross-section of culvert is 4.00 m x 2.50 m (in to in).In now days the developing countries are adopting this facilities. All designs are carried out as per IS code specification.

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R.Ramya, S.P.Sivagnana Subramanian, ADNI

Neuroimaging has played a very important role in the diagnosis of brain degeneration disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). To identify different stages of Alzheimer’s disease and efficient analysis system has been developed for magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) Neuroimages using radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) classifier.Normal, MCI and AD identification by using RBFNN classifier. The proposed model performance was assessed based on three parameters such as sensitivity, specificity and accuracy.

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Amal Jmaii, Besma Belhadj

Based on the recent literature, the present paper offers a new methodology to analyze poverty dynamics components. Building on the fuzzy subset theory, the aim of this study is to make available a new replay to the traditional Jalan-Ravallion approach by proposing new measures for chronic, transient and persistent poverty and provide new measure of observed poverty for each attribute. This paper proposes a new method using a membership function and fuzzy rules to identify to what extent individuals can be considered as poor/non-poor. According to the proposed membership function, a relative fuzzy index are adopted to compute an aggregation method of fuzzy individual poverty. The empirical assessment has been conducted using data of the Tunisian household survey from 2005 to 2010 and has been given arise to some potential policy recommendations through the fuzzy estimation results.

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Dr. St. Sukmawati.,S

The purpose of this research is to study the influence of organizational environment on the selection of knowledge management strategies. The research focuses particularly on the relationship between business and knowledge management strategy and the success of the knowledge management initiatives. This research is a case study researching 2 South Sulawesi banking companies. The knowledge management initiatives were categorized by six criteria (objectives, processes, problems, content, strategy, knowledge type) and their fit with the respective business strategy of the organizational unit was evaluated. The findings in this research suggest a relationship between the success of knowledge management and the alignment of knowledge management and business strategy. The research also shows that an organization whose business strategy requires process efficiency should rely primarily on a codification strategy. An organization whose business strategy requires product/process innovation should rely primarily on a personalization strategy. The most successful knowledge management projects were driven by a strong business need and with the goal to add value to the organizational unit operations. The research shows there are limitations due to the qualitative nature of the research: logical rather than statistical conclusions, small sample size, and subjectivity of interpretations. The research sees that a manager should be aware of the objectives and business processes of the organizational unit and chooses the knowledge management strategy and objective in accordance to the business strategy and objective. Originality/value. The research enhances understanding about the influence of organizational environment factors on the success of knowledge management initiatives.

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Harry Sutanto

This research is motivated by the empirical facts that although the Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises and despite getting optimal support the Indonesian government in recognition of the significance of its role in supporting the nation's economy, has experienced stagnation of business growth reflected by lower vertical mobility in the form of small industrial upgrading into secondary industries than medium industrial decline into a small industry. Permodalan Nasional Madani Lt.d ("the company") with a status and legal domicile as a financial state owned enterprise to support Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises through financing (as a financial solution) and coaching (as a solution of non-financial) to form a strong, independent, and be able to create new jobs.In the period 2009-2013, the company has implemented Transformation First, in response to the dynamic changes facing, as well as an increase in competence, fluctuations in economic conditions and other related matters that put the company in a sharp business complexity. The success of the company carrying out the First Transformation 2009-2013, both in a significant improvement and performance management of the company, became the starting point in the implementation of the Second Transformation 2014-2019 and further measures to achieve organization sustainability.The phenomenon of the company's success in implementing the 2009-2013 First Transformation considered highly supported by the formulation and implementation of dynamic capability approach strategy so as to change the paradigm of management of the company from its original direction as financial state owned enterprise, with the full support of the government, into business-oriented institution to the achievement of sustainable advantage (sustainable profit) and supported by governance (governance) good company. This research is in the areas of change management and strategic management more specifically on the development of the concept of dynamic capabilities in the management of the company. The aim of this study was to obtain an empirical and scientific evidence for the formulation and implementation of dynamic capabilities approach, especially because although the concept began to be widely accepted, but the empirical evidence that supports the concept still scarce. Data were analyzed by using an embedded concurrent mix method strategy and the phenomenological approach, and include in-depth analysis to assess the extent of the dynamic capabilities have been implemented to improve corporate performance and achieve long-term goals as Small, Medium Enterprises Center in 2028 and reached the level of sustainability. Combining quantitative and qualitative data is to better understand (topic) research problem, namely dynamic capabilities approach in support of the First Transformation 2009-2013 in the company. to convert qualitative data (in the form of descriptive insights and observations) with quantitative (numerical) data. Therefore, based on the objectives to be achieved, the category of the purpose of this study is (a) an evaluative, because it is not only limited to the understanding of the causes of behavior and opinions on the main topic of research but also to evaluate the results and provide an explanation for the causes of related conditions occur; and (b) prediction of conditions that occur after the study is completed by using the results of the study, which also serves as a basis for decision making in the future. The general conclusion of the research is the dynamic capability has been implemented to support the company's success in the First Transformation 2009-2013, in particular based on a sense of urgency for the decline in the performance of companies that need to be dealt with radical changes but purposeful and systematic as well as the choice of companies to remain focused on the business SMEs & K which is still a very big potential. To further support the company's success, both in Advanced Transformation and the existence of the company in carrying out its roles and functions to support the business development of SMEs & K in Indonesia, the dynamic capabilities approach should remain in place and run with the best. For advice on the research and writing of this dissertation is (a) the systematic expansion of research to other companies with advanced customization; (b) further research to determine and prove the relationship between organizational capabilities and financial performance to determine the financial proof of continuous innovation as a sustainable innovation (sustainable innovation).

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Asep Darmansyah, Tettet Fitrijanti

The study aims to determine characteristics of Indonesian sugar industries, as well as the influence of the implementation of computer-based accounting information system (CBAIS) to the quality of accounting information and managerial performance of the sugar industries of Indonesia. The research method was a survey with the research type was a descriptive and verificative. The research population were sugar industries in Indonesia. Data consists of primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed making use of linear regression. This study shows that the sugar mills/industries of Indonesia are mostly located in Java. Most of the sugar industries either in Java or outside Java are owned the central government in the form of state-owned enterprises and the rest is privately owned. Most of them making use of a business area with a mixed pattern between the right to cultivate and the right to build. Most of sugar industries gained canes in two ways namely planted by its company and bought from farmers. Then the first variable, the application of CBAIS of sugar industries is still categorized sufficient, which indicates the condition is not very bad or not very good. The others, the quality of accounting information of sugar industries is good category and its managerial performance is also good. The three variables above have not shown the ideal category namely is very good category. The application of CBAIS significantly affects on the quality of accounting information and the accounting information quality significantly influences on managerial performance of sugar industries.

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K.A. Tursunmetov, F.Yu. Turgunboev

The adsorption process of barium atoms on hafnium is considered. A structural model of the system is presented and on the basis of calculation of interaction between ions dipole system the dependence of the work function on the coating.

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Ashish Manoharrao Ingale, Ameed Mustafa Shah

With the growth of VLSI processing in the industrial sector the design of efficient algorithms for designing compact functional circuits has led to a competition among various industries. Multiplication is basically a shift add operation. There are, however, many variations on how to do it. Some are more suitable for FPGA use than others. In the area of designing fast parallel algorithms for multiplying numbers, proposed algorithm for multiplying two n-bit signed binary numbers needs é 2.71 log2 nù + 3 steps of single bit addition on an n ´n systolic architecture which outperforms the then best VLSI implementable algorithm with O(n) time and O(n2 ) hardware. The subsequent algorithms proposed by him for multiplying numbers in ternary and redundant-radix-four (RR-4) representations require still less time with 2 élog2n ù + 2 and é(1/2) log2n +1ù steps of single digit addition, respectively. Here we have proposed a novel approach for the multiplication of two numbers in RR4 number system. The results has been evaluated in ISE environment and the performance giving satisfactory results.

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Rakesh Hari Borse

In vehicle systems dynamics, there are wide applications of simulation of vehicles on road surfaces. These simulation applications are related to vehicle handling, ride comfort, and durability. For accurate prediction of results, there is a need for a reliable and efficient road representations. The efficient representation of road surface profiles is to represent them in three-dimensional space. This is made possible by the CRG (Curved Regular Grid) approach. OpenCRG is a completely open source project including a tool suite for the creation, modification, and evaluation of road surfaces. Its objective is to standardized detailed road surface description and it may be used for applications like tire models, vibrations or driving simulation. The Matlab tool suite of OpenCRG provides powerful modification or creation tools and allows to visualize the 3D road data representation. The current research focuses on basic concepts of OpenCRG and its Matlab environment. The extraction of longitudinal two-dimensional road profiles from three-dimensional CRG format is researched. The creation of simple virtual three-dimensional roads has been programmed. A Matlab software tool to extract, create and analyze the three-dimensional road profiles is to be developed.

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