International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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Volume 2- Issue 2, February 2013 Edition

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E. A. Ibijola, R. B. Ogunrinde

Abstract: - In this paper, we present a comprehensive detail of the convergence theorem for a non-linear method for numerical integration of ordinary differential equations. We prove that the non-linear method is not only stable but convergent.

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Onuegbu T. U., Umoh E.T., Onuigbo U. A.

Abstract : - This work studies the use of Eupatorium odoratum (E.O) as corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in 1.0M H2SO4 acid. The effects of temperatures on the inhibition efficiency of Eupatorium odoratum were also tested at temperature of 300C and 600C respectively. The weight losses of the mild steel were taken for complete four days, for the two temperatures. The rates of corrosion of the mild steels were found to increase with increase in concentration of the acid and also decreases with increase in concentration of the Eupatorium odoratum.. The Eupatorium odoratum gave an inhibition efficiency of 71% at the concentration of 0.5g/l, which shows that it is a good corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in acidic medium. This efficiency was found to decrease as the temperature increases and also the activation energy value calculated showed that the Eupatorium odoratum is physically adsorbed on the mild steel coupons.

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Ms. Divya(Assistant Professor(MSIT)), Raman Chhabra, Sumit Kaur, Swagata Ghosh

This is a project aimed at predicting the chances of diabetes in a person, that whether or not is he/she prone to it. We have used certain parameters namely: number of pregnancies, glucose, BP, skin fold, insulin, body mass index, pedigree and age. The database of 768 patients with these parameters each was taken from National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Using neural network feed forward prediction model in conjunction with back propagation algorithm, and given training data set, we predicted whether a subject was likely to have diabetes.

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Babatunde Bolasodun, Alan Nesbitt, Arthur Wilkinson, Richard Day

Abstract: - Samples of an epoxy resin system, based on Araldite DLS 772 and 4 4’ DDS (a hardener) with an amine / epoxy ratio of 0.8 were cured using conventional and microwave heating. The cured samples were cut into the required dimensions using ASTM standards, and then subjected to Density, Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis and Flexural tests. It was observed that the microwave cured samples had a higher glass transition temperature (Tg), a higher flexural strength, higher cross-link density (ν) and lower molecular weight between cross-links than the conventionally cured samples. The results showed that the microwave cured samples had a more compact network structure, and suggest a better stiffness and strength in the microwave cured samples. This improved stiffness is ascribed to a better molecular alignment and a greater homogeneity which is found in the microwave cured samples.

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Babatunde Bolasodun, Alan Nesbitt, Arthur Wilkinson, Richard Day

Abstract: - Fully cured epoxy samples of Araldite DLS 772 / 4 4' DDS with an amine to epoxy ratio of 0.8M were dissolved in 4M nitric acid in a microwave reaction system at a temperature of 120oC for a total of 75 minutes. The dissolved compound was collected and dried. High Performance Liquid Chromatography was used to analyze and separate the components in the compound. Infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was used to identify the dissolved product. The dissolved product was identified as 1, 3 - di(ethyl ester)-5-(diethyl amino)-2-hydroxybenzene.

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Mohammad Badrul Alam Miah, Md. Abu Zakir Rizvi, Md. Ahsan Habib, Khandaker Hamidul Haque

Abstract: - The world is becoming smaller to smaller. People want various services at a time. For their expectation and choices, multi-server based services are provided. The proposed system is an online reservation system in middleware architecture distributed environment by using Java RMI and Server Socket. This reservation system contains several resource managers (RM), a middleware server and interactive clients. The middleware server is put between the resource managers and the clients. The clients can't interact directly with the resource managers. Instead, the clients interact with middleware server, which provides them a unique interface. The middleware server manages all the interaction with the resource managers to provide clients' requirements. The other ultimate goal of this reservation system which has been implemented is that to develop a multiple client, multiple server system. For handling multiple clients, this manages the middleware server such that it can receive concurrent requests from different clients and the structure does not damaged during the concurrent execution. The performance of the system is tested in different server and the experimental result shows satisfactory performance.

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Muhamad Nurdin

Abstract: - The purpose of writing this article is to anticipate the swift currents of corruption, and establish anti-corruption awareness by developing curriculum based on Islamic Education internalization of Islamic values early on. This study used a qualitative approach, which has properties that are natural naturalistic inquiry in which the researcher does not attempt to manipulate the research setting, the object under study is really an event, community interactions that occur naturally. The study results showed that the internalization of Islamic values could be an alternative solution anticipatory in shaping anti-corruption awareness in school students through the development of curriculum materials PAI.

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Subhabrata Gangopadhyay, Uma Basu

Abstract: - The phenomenon of scattering of water waves is examined in presence of discontinuity at the free surface of a deep ocean. The surface discontinuity is thought of as originating due to the presence of a semi-infinite inertial surface on one half of the free surface and a thin floating semi-infinite dock on the other half. Appropriate expressions for Green's functions are set up for the fluid occupied in the inertial surface and for the fluid occupied below the thin dock. Employing Green's second integral theorem to the above mentioned Green's functions and the potential function the problem is reduced to finding out solutions of a pair of coupled Fredholm integral equation. An integral expression for the reflection coefficient is obtained.

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Muhammad Qudah, Zuhair Tahat

Abstract: - This study aims to reveal the extent of the exposure of Jordanian adolescents to television transmission, the hours of viewing, and the reasons for viewing, and the exposure of adolescents to dubbed series and the reasons for exposure, and to identify their orientations and the effects produced by viewing, and to form a basic data and information base required in this field; moreover, to define the present situation through comparing the information gathered, and utilize those data in drawing policies and laying down plans on the basis of total apprehension of the aspects of the situation. The population of this study may be from among the adolescents in the capital Amman, whose number is estimated at approximately half a million persons and of an intended sample of (1100) respondents from among Jordanian adolescents, and the collected questionnaires were (1032), that is a ratio of 93.8% of the total distributed, (23) of which were excluded because of invalidity for statistical analysis, that is 3% of the unaccepted questionnaires. Thus, the number of questionnaires valid and suitable for statistical analysis is (999). The study, in which the authors adopted the field survey methodology as a pattern of descriptive studies, reached a number of findings, most significantly: an increase in the ratio of Jordanian viewers who rely on satellite television to obtain information and follow news (47.3%), and a decrease in the ratio of those among them who rely on books to obtain the same (5.3%). The study found an increase in the ratio of viewing of dubbed series by the adolescents, which reached 94.9% from among males and 84.9% from among females, and also a high ratio of the intensity of exposure, which constituted 34.8% of the respondents who are exposed from (3-4) hours and (4) hours and more, while more than 35.1% of the respondents continually view dubbed series.

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Dr. Aradhana Sharma

Theorem 1 : Let A, B, S, T, I, J, L, U, P and Q be self maps on a Menger space (X, F, t) with t(a, a) ≥ a for all a  [0, 1], satisfying (1.1) P(X)  ABIL(X), Q(X)  STJU(X), (1.2) {P, STJU} or {Q, ABIL} satisfies the property (S-B), (1.3) there exists k  (0, 1) such that FPx,Qy(ku) ≥ min {FABILy,STJUx(u),FPx,STJUx(u), FQy,ABILy(u), FQy,STJUx(u), FPx,ABILy(u)} for all x, y  X and u > 0, (1.4) if one of P(X), ABIL(X), STJU(X) or Q(X) is a closed subspace of X then (i) P and STJU have a coincidence point and (ii) Q and ABIL have a coincidence point. Further if (1.5) AB = BA, AI = IA, AL = LA, BI = IB, BL = LB, IL = LI, QL = LQ, QI = IQ, QB = BQ, ST = TS, SJ = JS, SU = US, TJ = JT,TU = UT, JU = UJ, PU = UP, PJ = JP, PT = TP, (1.6) the pairs {P, STJU} and {Q, ABIL} are weakly compatible. Then A, B, S, T, I, J, L, U, P and Q have a unique common point in X.

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Dita Handayani

Abstract: - The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of Islamic teachings through the method of multiple intelligences in elementary school. The methodology used in this study is descriptive research focused on developmental studies approach. The result demonstrates that the application of multiple intelligences in Islamic teaching contributes a positive and significant effect to the study of Islamic education.

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Didi Sumardi, Juhridin

Abstract: - This research had purpose to know the different achievement in learning English between class IA and class IB at SMU Muhammadiyah I Bandung. The method that is used by the writer is Qualitative method, whereas the technique is by distributing questionnaires. This paper consists of five chapter, as follow : in chapter I introduction, Chapter II the aims of the research, chapter third is the explanation of several theories which have correlation with the problem statements of this paper. Those are : Learning theory, Achievement theory, The function of learning achievement, Factors influencing the learning achievement. While in the fourth chapter Method and Technique of the Research which is entitled Research Methodology, the writer describes the method which was used, technique and the instrument of collecting data. In the fifth chapter, the writer analyzes the data that had been collected and discuss it in the summary of the data collecting. Then suggests some efforts can be done to solve the problem that was appears. In the last chapter, that is chapter sixth, the writer gives some conclusion relate to the problems which are appears that is shown. From this research, the writer finds that the differences achievement of class IA is in middle category because class IA considers that English is difficult and it makes the attendance intensity decrease. The achievement of class IB is in good category because class IB has high motivation and they more interest in learning English

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D. T. Deshmukh, H. S. Lunge

Abstract: - The temperature and rainfall trends are analysed for meteorological data of Buldana district in Vidarbha, India over approximately last three decades stretching between years 1975 to 2005. The long-term change in temperature and rainfall has been assessed by linear trend analysis. The increasing trend in mean of maximum (MMAX) temperature and total mean rainfall (TMRF) is confirmed by Mann-Kendall trend test. It is observed that in Buldana district of Vidarbha region, the December MMAX temperature has increased by 2.69390C and annual MMAX temperature has increased by 1.32060C whereas the highest decrease in TMRF occurs in November, by 25.079 mm, and annual TMRF has increased by 12.137mm, during the last 31 years. Annual MMAX temperature shows increasing trend which is statistically significant at 5% level of significance whereas annual TMRF shows increasing trend which is statistically insignificant at 5% level of significance.

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Bereket Yohannes, Mulat Tarekegn, Wondimagegn Paulos

Background: A woman's utilization and satisfaction with the delivery service may have immediate and long-term effects on her health and subsequent utilization of the services. Providing satisfying delivery care increases service utilization. This study was to assess Utilization of Antenatal Care for recent pregnancy and satisfaction with delivery service in Wolaita zone. Methods: A facility based cross-sectional survey with exit interview was conducted in Wolaita Zone. 363 postpartum mothers were enrolled in the study. Client satisfaction was measured using a survey instrument adopted from the Donabedian quality assessment framework. Multivariate and binary logistic regression was applied to identify the relative effect of each explanatory variable on the outcome (satisfaction). Results: The proportion of mothers who had at least a visit to ANC Check up was 85.7%. The overall level of satisfaction with delivery care was 82.9%. Middle aged (20-34) postpartum mothers were more (AOR =2.55(95% CI: 1.11,5.90) likely to be satisfied when compared to their 35-49 counter age groups where the later might have no/wrong experience with the delivery service. Mothers with some level of high school education (9-12) were at higher chance (AOR= 4.46 (95% CI: 1.63, 12.18) to be satisfied with the service in comparison with higher level of education as it might show higher demand of the more educated group or there may be underestimation of safe delivery . Women who stayed on labour pain for less than a sunset were in their above three times higher likelihood on their level of satisfaction when compared to their longer on labor counter mothers (AOR= 3.31(95%CI: 1.53, 7.17). Conclusion: Self reported utilization of ANC service and satisfaction with delivery care given to them is promising. ANC can help for better utilization of institutional delivery. Care providers should plan for more institutional delivery by extending their acceptance in the already visiting ones. Mothers who happened to visit health facility for delivery attendance can be good promoters for institutional delivery as peer mothers to advocate the service.

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Bereket Yohannes, Terefe Gelibo, Mulat Tarekegn

Abstract:- Background: sexually transmitted Infections represent a large burden of disease worldwide with an annual incidence of about 333 million cases. In Ethiopia, studies on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among youth are very few; therefore, conducting research on STIs in general and among youth in particular is an important input to design policy and strategy aimed at preventing and controlling the infections. Objectives: The objectives of the study were determining self reported prevalence of sexually transmitted Infections, and identifying factors associated with STIs among students of Wolaita Sodo University. Methodology: A cross sectional study design was employed among a total sample size of 447 students of Wolaita Sodo University from June to September 2011. Study subjects were selected using Stratified cluster sampling method. Data were collected using semi-structured pre-tested questionnaire. Self-reported Syndromic approach was used to measure sexually transmitted Infections status. Logistic regression was used to model Odds Ratio, OR (95%CI). Result: This study was conducted among 309 (69.1%) male and 138 (30.9%) female students with response rate of more than 100%. Most of the students, 294 (65.8%), were first year, 178 (39.8%) were orthodox Christian, 241 (53.9%) were from rural place of previous residence and 421 (95.7%) were currently accommodated in the university. Self reported STIs prevalence in the past 12 months prior to the survey was 19.5% among students. Out of the 158(35.3%) students who were sexually active: 46.0% used condom infrequently, 24.8% had sex with causal sexual partners and 13.9% had sexual intercourse with commercial sex workers. Among 103 who reported the most recent STI syndrome, 43 (41.7%) study subjects had not got treatments for the syndrome they had. Students who had sexual contact with commercial sex workers in the last 12 months were at increased odds of developing sexually transmitted infections (Adjusted OR=4.7,95%CI: 1.2, 8.6). Conclusion: High prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) was obtained among university students who had risky sexual behaviors. Students had unreasonably poor treatment seeking behavior. The following specific recommendations are forwarded: Launching of recreational facilities and sexual and reproductive health service, abstinence and condom promotion interventions. The university should design retention facilities for students to limit them from sexual contact with commercial sex workers. Moreover, further studies to explore the predictor variables are highly recommended.

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Ram Ranjan Sahu, Dr. Pramod Kumar Gupta

Abstract: -The inward inversion is one of the large deformations phenomenon in which the material deform inside the geometry. This phenomenon has been of great interest for its constant force displacement graph of deformation. The energy absorption through inward inversion can be of great use for devising the apparatus to absorb energy for impact or crash. The inward inversion to different shell section was planned to study force displacement graph in details. The energy absorption by different sections was compared. Analytical approach was adopted to simulate the experiment. The gained confidence in simulation was carry forward for generating more sections and for parametric study. The better shape of energy absorption could be suggested through this paper.

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Ahmad Majd, Leila Amjad, Azadeh Ghadirianmarnani

Abstract: - Electromagnetic field is an inevitable environmental factor for living beings which many investigations have been conducted to consider its effect. In this research the effects of electromagnetic field on pollen ultrastructure, pollen germination and viability of Achillea wilhelmsii were studied. Achillea wilhelmsii C. Koch was collected from around area of Isfahan city (Iran). In case of pollen treatments, the pollens were exposed to electromagnetic field by a magnitude of 2,4 mT at 10 min and 2,4 mT at 20 min in the electromagnetic field generator apparatus. Untreated pollens were used as control under similar condition. Pollens were studied by Scanning electron microscopy. The effect of electromagnetic fields on pollen germination was evaluated. Germination was quatified as the percentage of germinated pollen grains per 100 evaluated. Pollen grains for study of viability, were stained with Evans blue. The results were analyzed using ANOVA statistical to analyses of the treatments. Treatment under pollens with electromagnetic fields 2mT-10,20min have few changes, but treatment under pollens with electromagnetic fields 4mT-20min become abnormal, shrinkage and fragile. the percentage of pollen germination and viability decreased that was significantly(p< 0.05). electromagnetic field have effects on the structure of some organs and developmental characteristic of them in Achillea wilhelmsii. Therefore, a direct influence of environmental stresses is discussed affecting Ca2+ levels via the ion cyclotron resonance mechanism.

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Ade Een Kheruniah

Abstract : - The purpose of this research is to discuss not only a teacher's personality competence but also a student's study motivation and discipline of Fiqh Lesson. The methodology used is a quantitative method through the analytical approach of inferesia statistic by observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaires, and books. The analytical process of data uses the counting technique of correlation statistic of Product Momen of Pearson. The result of learning shows that a teacher's personality competence gives the positive contribution to a student's study motivation and discipline of Fiqh Lesson.

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IgnatioMadanhire, Kumbi Mugwindiri, Bhekimpilo Ndhlovu

Abstract: - This research study investigates implementable eco-efficiency opportunities available in a beverage manufacturing entity. It recommends actions to reduce material intensity by cutting water usage, cut energy intensity by reducing energy use as well as identify areas of reducing toxic discharge intensity in the plant for continuous improvement. The results of these sustainable programs are compared to the world class beverage bench marks. The study can be a useful resource to plant managers seeking to achieve environmental efficiency in food and beverage manufacturing operations.

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Iliycho Petkov Iliev

Abstract: - In this paper a complete thermal model of the radial heat flow for a high-powered He-SrBr2 laser is obtained. The model is based on a general analytic solution of the steady-state heat conduction equation subject to mixed boundary conditions for the arbitrary form of the volume power density in the internal laser tube, combined with nonlinear boundary value conditions in the rest part of the composite tube. The model does not require experimental values of the wall temperatures. It is applied for designing of a new high-powered SrBr2 laser. The influence of the diameter of the outer insulation and the heat conductivity coefficient of the medium between the two tubes at maintenance of the optimal gas temperature is investigated.

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Eva Johannes, Elly Ishak, Hanapi Usman, Mariyati Bilang

Pollution by pathogenic microorganisms in food materials is capable of resulting in various diseases and increased resistance against various types of antimicrobial. Therefore, new more effective antibiotics are needed to overcome the multi-drug resistant bacteria. This study was aimed to examine the effectiveness of extracted antibacterial compound from hydroid Aglaophenia cupressina Lamoureoux in inhibiting and killing the Escherichia coli, an organism that frequently pollute food material. This study was an experimental study with the following treatment steps: isolation and characterization of compounds from hydroin A. cupressina Lamoureoux by chromatography, elucidation of the isolate molecular structure by UV, IR, and NMR. Two isolates obtained were hexadecanoic acid and Agalo E.Unhas, both of them were tested against E. coli at various concentrations (10 ppm, 20 ppm, and 30 ppm). The damage to the E. coli were examined by Electron Microscopic Scanning. Study results indicated that hexadecanoic acid at concentration of 10 ppm and 20 ppm and Aglao E. Unhas at concentration of 10 ppm, 20 ppm, and 30 ppm, was bacteriostatic against E. coli, whereas the hexadecanoic acid at concentration of 30 ppm was bactericidal against E. coli.

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Vineet Kumar Singh, Amit Kumar Jain

Abstract: - Since the population of world is increasing at a very faster rate, the demand for the basic necessities is also increasing. Such necessities include food, clothing, shelter etc, the main challenge the government is facing is the increasing demand for the power generation for the entire population which is necessary for any country to be called a developed nation. The demand for shelter is being met by the very rapid rate of colonization which if not properly controlled will definitely lead to reduction in net sown area, increased deforestation and various ecological problems. So the trend is to build the multi-storey buildings on a very small piece of land. It has been observed that the buildings in metropolitan city are very close to each other and sometimes they are not properly oriented to the sun. Again the present era construction is being carried out underground such as the ones used in colleges for constructing library, laboratory, and metro stations. So the interior of the building remains in darkness even in the daytime. Thus to create the illumination in the building during the day, a lot of energy (electrical) is wasted. So in this paper an attempt is being made to produce and implement a system that will replace the existing day lighting systems without incurring a huge sum of money. So, a huge amount of electricity is consumed in order to have a visibility within during the daytime. This power consumption is really unnecessary and can be avoided by using the solar energy to produce the electricity to glow the bulbs, tube lights etc. Using solar light directly by making it to travel to inside of a building or a room. This is a very simple and economical concept and is known as solar tubes.

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Nweke I. A., Ijearu S. I.

Abstract: - Ogoja is an agrarian community endowed with vast acres of agricultural land, human and material resources needed for agricultural development, poverty reduction and sustainable food production. But the challenges posed by soil problems in agricultural production have been an issue of general concern among farmers in the study area. This concern is attributed to the soil management practice adopted in agricultural production at various levels. This study was conceptualized to investigate on soil fertility and management as a sure way towards food production in Ogoja local government area (LGA) of Cross River State. A well structured questionnaire were employed to collect vital information from 80 respondents sampled from each of the five communities that make up Ogoja LGA, using multistage sampling techniques. Data collected from the study were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools. The result showed that majority (80%) of farmers agreed that fertile soil promote crop yield, 60% of the farmers accepted that fertile soil do not exist in Ogoja. While 80-98% of the farmers agree that various soil management practices are necessary, for improving crop yield in the studied area. Finally some implications for crop production were drawn from the, overall result of the study. It was suggested among other things that farmers should be encouraged by the government on the need and importance of soil fertility and management and adopt those practices that will ensure sustainability of the soil fertility. This will help them to contribute meaningfully to food production through enhanced productivity.

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Apparao. G, P. Mallikarjunareddy Dr. SSSV Gopala Raju

Abstract: - In some countries where the economies are weak, it becomes crucial for those concerned with developmental policies to adopt approaches which will ensure that every single cent available is used to develop the country. In those fields to facilitate a conductive environment for economic development. Road traffic accidents have been recognized as one of those adverse elements which contribute to the suffocation of economic growth in the developing countries, due to the high cost related to them, hence causing social and economic concern. So Traffic safety is an important key and integral role in sustainable transportation development areas. Now days, the main negative impact of modern road transportation systems are injuries and deaths in road accidents. The success of traffic safety and highway improvement programs hinges on the analysis of accurate and reliable traffic accident data. This study discuses the present state of traffic accident information on NH-58 from Meerut to Muzaffarnagar in Uttarakhand State. It shall also discuss the Identification of high rate accident Locations by using GIS Software and safety deficient areas on the highway. So, implement the remedial measures to those accidental locations (Black Spots) and provisions for traffic safety.

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Julia T. Cardona

Abstract: - The emphasis of this study is to find ways on how to assist students in improving their language skills and reading comprehension as well. The focus will be both in language and reading. This would help the students ascertain and apply the rules in the target language and be able to utilize them with ease and enjoyment. Reading is the process of identifying and understanding the meaning of characters and words in written or printed material. Reading for comprehension and study skills are emphasized for many different purposes. The developed skills, information, and attitudes are necessary for proper adjustment to the community and the society (Chall 2009). Basically the subjects taught in the lower level like reading, writing, and spelling would prepare the learners in a more challenging stage like reading for learning and earning. The difficulty of learners to attack challenging reading material would be eliminated once they develop skills in reading. The techniques used in the class would not be an overnight solution to the problem but it would serve as a stepping stone for the students to enjoy reading not only for learning but for pleasure and enjoyment .On the other hand, as students are guided to do reading with adeptness, they shall be reinforcing some basic rules in the language. In so doing, I am positive of a successful outcome. I have noted all the difficulties of my students every time we had speaking activities. One of the most difficult activities they encountered was the time they have to interview their classmates and be able to introduce at least five members of the class. I instructed them to use the target language as they mill around. To my dismay, they have taken pens and paper and silently go around (whispering to one another) writing the names of their classmates and some pieces of information about them. They admitted that they asked information using their native tongue. I also gathered their test results in reading which served as my basis of designing helpful exercises for them to develop the skill. I've started giving easy exercises that progressed to difficult types. I have integrated grammar recalls in all the reading comprehension tests that I designed. From my analysis of the test result, students performed well in the literal level of comprehension but had failed to do excellent responses from interpretative to analytical level. I did daily observations on my students' activities that motivated me to do item analyze one of their major examinations. Before I gave back their test paper, I tabulated the correct responses they have taken from all the test items. I have treated the result of the different tests using the total percentage to ascertain the level of students' learning. In the Philippines, the passing mark of a student is 75%. The CBEA students in sections A to E are the first five sections who were grouped as homogenous sections in terms of general averages ranging mostly from 85% above and some were the high school graduates who emerged with distinctive honors. Though they have shown a good rating in the grammar test, it is not a remarkable rate to say they have established a good grasp at the target language. The low ratings in the comprehension tests manifested that the students' reading skill has not been excellently developed. It is at this juncture that I recommend that students must undergo extensive reading program with integrated vocabulary and grammar reviews if the teachers aim for an outstanding result. The teachers and students must pay attention to any new words encountered by using the dictionary or thesaurus. It is also helpful to study word parts and learn how to find the meaning of a word from the context. It is further suggested that teachers in the language program should find suitable materials for students to suit their needs.

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Md. Kamruzzaman, Afrina Sharmin

Abstract: - The purpose of this paper is to investigate a simple network model whereby a new node is either attached to the youngest of the existing node with probability p or it is attached with probability (1 - p) to any of the existing node following the preferential attachment rule. For 0≤p<1 the model exhibits power law degree distribution P(k)~k^(-γ) with γ=3+p⁄((1-p).) The model thus nicely interpolates between the regular graph at p = 1 with P(k)~δ(k-2) and the Barabási-Albert model at p = 0 with P(k)~k^(-3).

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Jameela Ali, AbdulRahim Ahmad, Loay E. George, Chen Soong Der,Sherna Aziz

Abstract:- Blood diseases have in the recent past become a major cause of mortality and morbidity all over the world. Consequently, machine learning has emerged as one of the best and most fruitful methods of research in the present world, both in terms of proposing of new techniques with effective theoretical algorithms, and also in applying such methods in real life situations. From a technological view, it is evident that there are major changes in the world that occur at an ever increasing pace. This has seen the development of systems which can be easily adapt to the environment in an effective way by being practically applicable. These systems work through optimizing performance using certain algorithm in accordance with its maximization or minimization criteria, but also using experimental data instead of a given program. This study will identify the use of artificial neural networks, support vector machines and statistical models and methods in the recognition of iron deficiency that leads to anaemic conditions.

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Amin Babazadeh Sangar, Noorminshah Binti A.Iahad

Abstract: - As more organizations move towards intelligent IT infrastructure, nowadays, Business Intelligence Systems (BIS) become a more widely used IT solution. Even though it is a widely used IT solution, many BIS implementations are not successful because they are time consuming and expensive. The benefits of BIS can be achieved if the system is implemented successfully. This paper explores the critical success factors (CSFs) that effect BIS implementation both from the perspectives of management and technology. Also, based on literature and interviews, a conceptual framework of successful implementation of BIS is proposed. The framework summarizes CSFs of BIS based on project implementation life cycle (pre implementation stage, implementation stage and post-implementation stage) from managerial and technological perspectives. Finally, results, suggestions and directions for future researches are discussed.

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Ayamdoo A. J., Demuyakor B., Badii K.B., Sowley E.N.K

Abstract: - Bamabara groundnut, Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc, is an important grain legume that plays a significant role in sustainable agriculture, food and nutritional security in sub-Saharan Africa. In northern Ghana one major constraint to the save preservation of bambara groundnut seeds after harvest is infestation by bruchid insects. A survey was conducted to obtain information on the existing storage systems and their implications for bruchid pest management in the Talensi-Nabdam district of Upper East region of Ghana. Six farming communities and five marketing centers were surveyed between January and March, 2012 by administering structured and semi structured questionnaires to respondents drawn by purposive sampling method. The study revealed that the major storage pests infesting bambara groundnuts in the surveyed areas were insects of the bruchid group which were dominated by three species of Callosobruhus and one species of Zabrotes. Storage structures used by farmers and traders included earthenware pots, gourds, mud silos, jute sacks, metal drums and plastic containers but jute sacks and clay pots were rampant in terms of use. Though not all the structures are effective many were used owing to their hermetic conditions against the pests, coupled with their durability, economic and ease of integration with indigenous grain protectants such as admixture with vegetable oils, fine ash and extracts from a local plant scientifically known as Hyptis spicigera. The extract from Hyptis spicigera was more (50 %) in use to preserve Bambara groundnuts because its work better in warding off the bruchid pest. The rampant postharvest losses to bambara groundnut grains in the area could be minimized if these existing storage structures and grain preservation techniques were improved.

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Dindin Jamaluddin

Abstract: - The purpose of the article is to explained the characters education in the perspective of Islam as a fundamental human lives. The method of analysis used is study of literature juxtaposed with actual phenomena that happen to community. The analysis and discussion shows that character education is essential to the national education curriculum implemented.

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Immanuel Gem, Arul Xavier

SYNOPSIS: - Wireless Sensor network is the keynote to meet the evidence indispensable by smart surroundings, whether in buildings, niftiness, engineering, domicile, shipboard, transportation systems automation, or elsewhere. Contemporary terrorist and guerrilla conflict countermeasures entail strewn networks of sensors that can be deployed and have self-organizing proficiency. In such applications, scuttle wires or cabling is generally not viable. A feeler set-up is essential that is swift and trouble-free to install and sustain. The imperative concern in wireless sensor scheme is the broadcast of messages to pull off an agreed message data and Quality of Services. QoS can be precise in terms of message delay, message due dates, bit blunder rates, packet crash, economic cost of transmission, broadcast power, etc. In this paper we surf through some of the congestion alleviation algorithm that assist the network in training the quality of services and the techniques that's been used assuage congestion

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El Gunaid F. Hassan, ElHag A. M. H

Abstract: -THIS study focused on the assessment of and mapping of land use land cover change the White Nile state, Sudan. Through mapping and monitoring, the changes that occurred in land use land cover, due to drought, climate change and mismanagement. The study attempted also to update some information in the study area such vegetation cover and Vegetation density using different methods of data transformation and analysis such as statistical analysis, GIS and remote sensing techniques The Result showed that the White Nile State was rich of forest, agricultural lands and has extensive water resources of 26 million cubic meters from the White Nile water in addition to rain. The state plays a significant role in environmental, social and economic aspects of Sudan. The state has suffered from deforestation and degradation due to natural hazards and human activities. This research conducted by application of remote sensing and investigated the possibility of identification, monitoring and mapping of the land use land cover changes and dynamics in the White Nile state during the last 30 years. The result show that land use land cover structure in the White Nile has obvious Changes and there is strong relations between forest cover changes and land area clearance for agriculture.

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Ebrahim Gomnam, Hooshang Jazayeri-rad

Abstract- Facing with dynamic environment of industrial plants involves us design soft sensors capable of online learning. To response this requirement, an adaptive soft sensor based on a combination of Least Square Support Vector Regression (LSSVR) with Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering is proposed in this paper. In this approach, first the samples are divided into several partitions. Consequently, for each partition we develop a local model using a new formulation of LSSVR which enables incremental learning. The proposed method is implemented on a chemical plant and compared with the online Support Vector Regression (SVR) algorithm. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method improves the generalization ability of soft sensor and the computation time decreases to a large extent in comparison to the online SVR.

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Prasanth MK, Dr.J Balan

Abstract: - The store brands, otherwise known as private labels, are changing the future of modern trade outlets in India. Started on a low key profile, such as low price, low quality and limited movement, the store brands have gone a long way in establishing its credentials. The store brands are in par with the national brands at least in selected chains and outlets in India in terms of quality and price. The private labels have 50 % or more than 50% market share in many parts of the developed world. The private labels are pervasive in personal care, home care, processed food, groceries and consumer durables etc. The present research was carried out at the selected retail a chain in Kerala such as More, Spencer and Reliance Fresh finds that, the married and un-married, age group and based on the level of education consumption will be different for Flour in Grocery and Personal care in FMCG.

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A. A. C. A. Jayathilake, A. A. I. Perera, M. A. P. Chamikara

Abstract: - This paper proposes an algorithm which can be used to construct strongly regular graphs from Hadamard matrices.A graph G is strongly regular if there are integers λ and μ such that every two adjacent vertices have λ common neighbours and every two non adjacent vertices have μ common neighbors. Proposed method is mainly based on basic matrix manipulations. If the order of the normalized Hadamard matrix is n the resulting strongly regular graph will have n x n number of vertices. Therefore the simplest strongly regular graph generated from this method has 16 vertices since its predecessor normalized Hadamard matrix has the order of 4. This algorithm was implemented using C++ programming language. Then the algorithm was tested for large Hadamard matrices and the results proved that this method is correct and works for any normalized Hadamard matrix of order greater than or equal to 4.

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Dr Abdulrahman M. Al-Senaidy, Tauseef Ahmad

Abstract: - In the recent years growth of computer technology contribute to the progress towards the application of the cloud computing. Also the mobile related application, services and mobile device are growing day by day , the mobile devices can use clouds for data processing, storage and do some many thinks to any time any where. Cloud computing is expected to contribute an invention in the mobile cloud. In this paper, the basic concept of mobile cloud computing and its growth also as well as its mobile cloud architecture, and also deal with digital library services and synchronization with mobile cloud application.

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Akuffo, I., Cobbina, S. J., Alhassan, E.H., Nkoom, M

ABSTRACT:-The rational for the study was to assess the quality of stored water in different storage facilities in the Nyankpala community in northern Ghana. The quality of treated water supplied by the Ghana Water Company Limited was also assessed before storage. Thirty households were selected based on the type of storage facility used in storing treated water. Storage facilities considered were earthen pots (EP), metallic containers (MC) and polyethylene barrel containers (PC). During the study period, a total of 120 stored water samples and four (4) tap water samples were collected and analysed over a period of four months. Generally the quality of treated water was well within the World Health Organizations (WHO) recommended guidelines for potability. Generally the physico-chemical quality of stored water was good since parameters measured well with WHO recommended limits. However, colour (2.5-30.0 Hz, 15.4±1.5), turbidity (2.0-15.0 NTU, 7.6±1.1) and total iron levels (<0.003-0.93 mg/L, 0.34±0.1) recorded in stored water in metallic containers (MC) were higher than WHO guidelines for potability. Though tap water recorded no coliform bacteria during the study period, stored water analysed from all storage facilities recorded coliform bacteria. The presence of coliform bacteria in stored water probably resulted from unhygienic water-handling practices. Water stored in earthen pots recorded the lowest level of colifom bacteria (total coliform 0-315 CFU/100 mL, 19.2 CFU/100 ml; Faecal coliform 0-78 CFU/100 mL, 19.2 CFU/100 mL). Water stored in PC recorded the highest levels of coliform bacteria (TC 0-714 CFU/100 mL, 231 CFU/100 mL; FC 0-250 CFU/100 mL, 65.2 CFU/100 mL) during the study period. EP storage facilities recorded lower coliform levels because they have narrow nozzles which make access to water more difficult compared to that of PC and MC which has wide openings at the top.

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Mohamad A. Maptuh

Abstract: - This study aims to show whether there is a relationship between knowledge of students with behavior in the maintenance of a healthy environment. The study was conducted in five Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren located in District Cikoneng, Ciamis district. The method used in this research is descriptive correlational in nature. This method is used to collect data in order to determine the magnitude of the relationship existing between the variables in the form of correlation coefficients. Subjects were students of class III Madraah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren. The number of samples composed entirely of 49 students. Measurements using knowledge tests, attitude tests and behavioral questionnaires. Samples were taken with a proportional stratified random sampling technique. The variables of this study: (1) knowledge of students about the cleanliness of the environment (X), and (2) the behavior of students in a maintenance environment (Y). The usefulness of academic study expected to be useful in order to develop a scientific perspective on the knowledge and behavior of students in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment, and the applicative can be input for the citizens of the Pondok Pesantren, the community and the government on the issue of research. Engineering analysis using General Regression Test at significance level α = 0.05. Furthermore, it was found that the correlation coefficient X with Y = 0.576. Based on regression with a correlation coefficient of 0.576 X to Y, the study concludes that there is a significant relationship between knowledge of students with behavior in the maintenance of environmental hygiene Pondok Pesantren. The higher the knowledge, the more positive behavior in the maintenance of environmental hygiene Pondok Pesantren. Thus it can be stated that the knowledge of students with behavior in the maintenance of environmental hygiene Cikoneng Pondok Pesantren in the district there is a relationship.

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