Volume 4 - Issue 3, March 2015 Edition
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Onumadu, F. N., Inyang, N.U.
ABSTRACT: This study was designed to analyse the effect of Integrated Farmers Scheme project on the beneficiaries’ income in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Multi-stage Random Sampling Technique was used in selecting 184 respondents that provided the data used for the study. The primary data were collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire administered through personal interview and observation to elicit the required information from the respondents. The findings of the study indicated that the mean ages of the beneficiaries and the non-beneficiaries stood at 36.59 and 36.64 respectively and they were mostly singles indicating that they were in their active and productive ages. It also showed that the respondents were small scale farmers with few years of farming experience but majority of them had one form of education or the other and a reasonable percentage (83.7%) of the beneficiaries belonged to cooperative associations. z-test analysis revealed that the income of the beneficiaries increased appreciably more than that of the non-beneficiaries by N194,727.17 and was significant at one percent level of probability with z-test value (7.852) indicating increased income for the beneficiaries. It was recommended that the IFS and government should review upwards the empowerment packages to be able to attract more unemployed youths into the scheme.
Wallace Agyei, William Obeng-Denteh, Emmanuel A. Andaam
Abstract: The problem of scheduling nurses at the Out-Patient Department (OPD) at Tafo Government Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana is presented. Currently, the schedules are prepared by head nurse who performs this difficult and time consuming task by hand. Due to the existence of many constraints, the resulting schedule usually does not guarantee the fairness of distribution of work. The problem was formulated as 0-1goal programming model with the of objective of evenly balancing the workload among nurses and satisfying their preferences as much as possible while complying with the legal and working regulations.. The developed model was then solved using LINGO14.0 software. The resulting schedules based on 0-1goal programming model balanced the workload in terms of the distribution of shift duties, fairness in terms of the number of consecutive night duties and satisfied the preferences of the nurses. This is an improvement over the schedules done manually.
Bahareh Vaisi, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
Abstract: This paper presents a non-linear integer programming model for a cross-dock problem that considers the total transportation cost of inbound and outbound trucks from an origin to a destination and the total cost of assigning strip and stack doors to trucks based on their number of trips and the distance between doors in cross-dock. In previous studies, these two cost-based problems are modeled separately; however, it is more realistic and practical to use both of them as an integrated cross-docking model. Additionally, this model is solved for a randomly generated numerical example with three suppliers and two customers by the use of a genetic algorithm. By comparing two different parameter levels (i.e., low and high numbers of populations), the optimum solution is obtained considering a high level population size. A number of strip and stack doors are equal to a number of inbound and outbound trucks in the same sequence as 4 and 6, respectively. Finally, the conclusion is presented.
Onumadu F.N., Onuoha L.U.
Abstract: The study examined the male and female level of access and ownership to land for cassava production in Abia state. The objectives of the study were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, determine the differences in quantity of cassava produced by both male and female farmers. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used select 218 respondents. Questionnaire was used for data collection while frequency counts, mean, percentages and Z-test were used in analyzing the data generated. The result shows that the mean age for male and the female were 52.7 and 46.2 years respectively. 94.5% of the male and 97.2% of the female had one form of formal education. The mean household size of the male and the female were 8 and 7 persons per house. The mean farming experiences of the male and female were 16.54 years and 13.26 years respectively. Mean income generated from cassava stand to be (#) 54882.57 and (#) 126082.60 respectively for both male and female. The Z- test analysis result shows that mean farm sizes of the respondents were 2.91 hectares and 2.45 hectares respectively for both male and female. The analysis also showed that there was significant difference between access to farmland of male and the female farmers at t = -2.613 at 5% significant level and cassava output of male and the female at t = -4.764 at 1% significant level. It was therefore recommended that a micro- credit scheme be established by government and nongovernmental organization target mainly on female cassava farmers for purchase of resources for cassava production.
Salmi Mohamed, Yarub Al-Douri
Abstract: The aim of this study is the evaluation of a photovoltaic system at different locations in Algeria. We have calculated the system efficiency, the solar energy captured by the system and the electrical energy output. An economic study of a photovoltaic station has been done by estimating the cost of this project operating for a period of 25 years. To achieve this goal, we have selected four regions of the Algerian territory, differing in their climatological parameters: Algiers, Constantine, Oran and Tamanrasset. The measured monthly global solar radiation and temperatures values are taken during six years (2000-2005) from the different meteorological stations. The obtained results have revealed that the calculated electrical power for Tamanrasset was the highest one (3581kWh), the best efficiency was in Constantine (10.3%), however the lowest cost of the project was in Algie4rs and Oran (769.7kDZ).
Akshay Andhare, Samer Khan
Abstract: In the recent times, the usage of floodlight is increasing. But, for developing high power (more than 200W of power consumption) floodlight, the problem on radiant heat has not been resolved clearly as ever. So in this paper, the numerical study was conducted to analyze the temperature distributions of general 500 W floodlights. The temperature distribution on lamp was calculated at the instance where lamp gives white light under ideal conditions to see optimum conditions of the life.
Konygin A., Nekhaev S., Dmitruk D., Sevastyanova K., Kovalev D., Cherenkov V.
Abstract: High hydrocarbon resource potential makes the Russian Arctic an attractive region for major oil and gas producing companies. Any investment decision is commonly based on an assessment stage which includes various types of technical and economical evaluations. Transportation cost in the Russian Arctic drastically influences overall project economics. Thus accurate method for transportation cost assessment becomes important from early stages of project definition. Infrastructure in the Russian Arctic is poorly developed so conventional estimation methods of hydrocarbon transportation tariff are ineffective. This paper describes a cost estimation method for tanker transportation of oil which considers key features of operations in the Russian Arctic.
Hanadi Ismaïl, Zaher Zeaiter, Samer Farkh, Hussein Abou-Hamdan
Abstract: In Lebanon, for water managers, the quality of water is apprehended under the only aspect of the physicochemical quality. This analysis presents some operational limit, because of specific information which it brings in space and time. In this context, It appeared interesting to us to carry out a study specilaized to evaluate the trophic quality of Berdawni, principal affluents on right bank of Litani (Mediterranean Eastern, Lebanon), and to take into account, parallel to the chemical analyses of water and with the application of the index SEQ-Eau (MEDD & France water agency, 2003), the diatomic study of the communities of Berdawni and to analyze the various results got from the calculation of 2 biological indices I.B.D.(AFNOR, 2000) and I.P.S. (Cemagref, 1982). The comparison of the indications provided by these 3 indexes clarifies divergences, sometimes important in the analysis of the quality of fesh water and made it possible to discuss the limits of their applications.
Neethu Mary Varghese, Tenny Thomas Soman
Abstract: In today’s digital world, reliance on the World Wide Web as a source of information is extensive. Users increasingly rely on web based search engines to provide accurate search results on a wide range of topics that interest them. The search engines, in turn parse the vast repository of web pages searching for relevant information. However, majority of web portals are designed using web templates, which are designed to provide consistent look and feel to end users. The presence of these templates however can influence search results leading to inaccurate results being delivered to the users. Therefore to improve the accuracy and reliability of search results, identification and removal of web templates from the actual content is essential. A wide range of approaches are commonly employed to achieve this, and this paper focuses on the study of the various approaches of template detection and extraction that can be applied across homogenous as well as heterogeneous web pages.
M. K. Akhmedov, D.A.Nazarova
Abstract: The article is about the analysis of the development of architecture and urban planning of Uzbekistan from ancient times till the 21st century. Scientific-based recommendations of the city structure improvement in contemporary conditions.
Naziha Kasraoui
Abstract: To investigate the process of habit formation in everyday life, a sample of 126 participants (students) chooses an eating and drinking for three periods (weeks). They completed the self-report habit each period and we have recorded their choices. All participants provided sufficient data for analysis and collected experimental data were examined over the study periods (3 weeks). Experimental analysis was used to examine the persistence of habit formation process in the behavior of participants. The game is carried out with 126 students and repeated for three periods. Using experimental laboratory data approach and economic analysis (elasticity), results show that into the presence of labor income and for 126 students, of whom approximately 70% showed that habit formation process is persist in their behaviors along the three periods. The rest (30% of them) who don’t present habit formation in their behavior for the three periods did not materially affect our conclusion about the assumption of habit formation process. Participants to the game persistently spend too much in early periods, they learn rapidly from their own experience to consume the same choice of meals and drinks. Their spending is closely linked to optimal consumption (non conditional on earlier spending) and they choose the same basket of goods in the future horizon, which shows that there’s a habit formation in the behaviors of participants.
Anuj Mehta
Abstract: This article presents an overview of the microstrip patch antenna and its design techniques. Basically a microstrip patch antenna comprises of a trace of copper or any other metal of any geometry on one side of a standard printed circuit board substrate with other side grounded. The antenna is fed using various feeding techniques like coaxial, strip line, aperture coupling or proximity coupling techniques. The working principle and the radiation mechanism have also been described. The microstrip patch antenna is widely used military, industrial and commercial sectors.
Dr. L. Kannan, Dr. P. V. Vijayaragavan., Dr. Pankaj. B. Shah, Dr. Suganathan. S, Dr. Praveena .P
Back ground: Even experienced teaching faculty and administrators can be challenged by learners, who have not able to perform up to expected need in their annual performance of their students, these students are called as slow learners/Struggle learners. There should be a designed study to foster discussion about diagnosing particular problems that contribute with meeting objectives of slow learners. Methodology: The study was performed on the entire current first year of Medical students, were all the three internal assessments of 250 students performance is taken in to consideration for the study. This study is of cross section type.After obtaining the list of all students’ marks in internal examination from medical education unit, supporting mentors are contacted to meet the students, and confidentiality is maintained throughout the study. After obtaining informed consent, a questionnaire was administered to the students by the investigator. The questionnaire contains the following sections. Section I will be on the background characteristics of the student– name, age, sex, type of family. Section II will be on the details of their learning capabilities. Section III will focus on the awareness of the slow learners in which the precipitating factors contributing to them. Results: The prevalence of slow learners as low achievers were contributed to be 32.4 percentages.The performance of the students is based on combination of all three internal assessment marks including theory and practical performance. In this the students age ranges from 17 to 21 years, the mean age of student was contributed to be 17.81 and majority of the students were in the age group of 18 years which contributed to be 168(67.2).In the present study majority were males 132(52.8) compared to females 118(47.2).but when study is compared to percentage of attendance, majority of the individual 151(77%) scored more than 50 percentage of marks have more than 80 percentage of attendance, but when compared to less than 50 percentage of marks majority 36(66%) have less than 80 percentage of attendance, this difference of observation among both genders has got statistical significance p<0.007were male students with low performance has got low percentage of attendance. In this study the family type has gotno association with the level of performance. To analyze simultaneously on all the variables, gender, understanding the language, unable to study on their own, unhappy with the subjects and problem with their class mates. These answers differ significantly among low performers compared to high performers. Finally the study has been concluded that low achievers (slow learners) needs to concentrate on their regularity of attending their classes so that to have a better performance in their subsequent internal examinations. Many students felt they were not able to study on their own and perform in their internal assessment examination so students can be encouraged group discussions and effective mentorship programme can be generated in order to have better performance in their internal examinations.
Marylene S. Eder, Catherine Jean L. Nocete, Gemelyn L. Rances, Ethyl M. Tarrosa, Jenilyn N. Yanson
Abstract: Interactive campus map is a web based application that can be accessed through a web browser. With the Google Map Application Programming Interface, availability of the overlay function has been taken advantage to create custom map functionalities. Collection of building points were gathered for routing, and to create polygons which serves as a representation of each building. The previous campus map provides a static visual representation of the campus. It uses legends, building name and its corresponding building number, in providing information. Due to its limited capabilities, it became a realization to the researchers to create an interactive campus map.Storing data about the building, room, and staff information, and university events and campus guide are among the primary features that this study has to offer. Interactive Web-based Campus Information System is intended in providing a Campus Information System.It is open to constant updates, user-friendly for both trained and untrained users, and capable of responding to all needs of users and carrying out analyses. Based on the data gathered through questionnaires, researchers analyzed the results of the test survey and proved that the system is user friendly, deliver information to users, and the important features that the students expect.
Bharadwaj Turlapati
Abstract: The term Cloud has been established quite well in the industry, People are now leveraging the uses of cloud infrastructure and are quite satisfied with the uses of cloud. On the other hand mobile technology and mobile applications have taken by storm in the recent world. This paper discusses various uses of the dimensionality of the cloud and integrating into mobile. Mobile – full cloud stack sync is the next big thing in the industry.
Anietie Olayemi Victoria, Labunmi Lajide
ABSTRACT: Heavy metals can be harmful to the biota and human beings when present above certain tolerable levels in the ecosystem. This lead to the study of the accumulation, contamination and pollution of these metals in soils of two refuse dumpsites within and outskirts of Akure Township, capital city of Ondo State, Nigeria. The dumpsites are where wastes such as industrial wastes, automobile wastes, municipal wastes, agricultural wastes, etc were dumped. At each site, soil samples were collected randomly from nine different points of about 1m part at depth of about 0-30cm and analyzed for heavy metals and pH. The metals analyzed include Zn, Fe, Co, Cu, Ni, As, Ba, Pb, Cr and Cd using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) with HF/Aqua regia wet digestion method. The pH of the soils ranged between 7.49 and 8.66. The results revealed heavy metal presence and implicated wastes as the major sources of the heavy metals in the soils of the dumpsites. All the metals were detected in all the soil samples except Arsenic that was not detected in three points at site A. Fe had the highest concentrations, while Ni had the least concentration in both sites. The trend in concentration was Fe > Zn >Pb> Cu> Cd> Co> Cr >As>Ba>Ni in site A, While the trend in concentration was Fe> Cr> Zn> Cu >Pb>Cd> Co> As > Ba> Ni in site B. The mean metal concentrations were compared with Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Standard values for soils in Nigeria, all the metals except Cr and Cu are below the DPR target values while Cd and Arsenic are above the DPR intervention values for the two sites, and this calls for immediate remediation.
Friesland Tuapetel, Natsir Nessa, Syamsu Alam Ali, Sudirman
Abstract: Ceram Sea is new resources area of catching flying fish. The purpose of study is to determine the species composition, size and distribution of flying fish caught by drifting baits. Flying fish data collection was conducted in June until October 2013 in three locations i.e: Kaimana, East Ceram and Fak-Fak. There are three flying fish species collected namely Hirundichthys oxycephalus (Torani), Cypselurus poecilopterus (Banggulung) and Chellopogon abeia (yellow wing). The results was showed that in Fak-Fak and Kaimana, there are two types of fly fishing that H. oxycephalus andC. poecilopterus, whereas in East Ceram found three types including: H. oxycephalus, C. poecilopterus and C. abeia. The dominant type of flying fish in three locations is H. oxycephalus. Flying fish has a variety size range of body size from 195.6 to 243.6 mm in Kaimana; East Ceram range from 206.3 to 284.3 mm while Fak-Fak range from 187.1 to 243.1 mm. The result is expected to be a reference literature as basic data for the management and sustainable utilization of flyling fish in Ceram sea.
A. SaefulBahri
Abstract: This study examines the influence of the learning model guided findings on student learning outcomes in subjects PAI eighth grade students of SMP Plus al Ma'soem. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method in the form of quasi-experiment (Quasi-Experimental Design). The findings of the study are expected to demonstrate: 1) the difference significant increase in learning outcomes between the experimental class using guided discovery method that uses the control class discussion of learning models, 2) Constraints in the method of guided discovery activities and the limited ability of educators in the experimental class in implements the method of guided discovery and constraints faced by students while digging the information they need, so we need special strategies to motivate students in the experimental class in order for them creatively find the right way to gather information that supports learning PAI.
Iman Paryudi
Abstract: Today, there are many energy simulation tools in the market. However, existing energy simulation tools are not architect friendly. There are at least three shortcomings of the existing energy simulation tools that impede architects from using them: excessive data input requirement, non intuitive user interface, and too complex. An energy simulation tool will be used regularly by architects if it accommodates their preferences such as: simple, easy to use, provide alternative designs, no excessive data input, accuracy is not important. This paper presents the results of literature study on relationship between architects and energy simulation tools.
Dr. K.W.C.U.K Kendangamuwa, Dr. S Sridharan, Dr. D R K Herath, Dr. R.M.M.K. Ratnayake
Abstract: Introduction: 5S is the stepping stone for many quality improvement concepts and its roots date back to 16th century. When successfully implemented, 5S gives many benefits to the organization as well as its stakeholders. Though 5S itself has a tool to sustain, most of the organizations find it difficult to sustain the 5S practice over the time. Therefore the objective of this study was to find out the factors contributing to sustainability of 5S programmes in Government Hospitals in RDHS area Kurunegala. Methodology: This study was a descriptive cross sectional study with two components. First component was to identify the 5S sustaining hospitals from not sustaining hospitals by validated evaluation sheet. Second component was to determine the factors contributing to sustainability of 5S programmes in selected study setting. Self-administrated questionnaire was used for this purpose. Total study population was 543 employees of all the categories of hospital staff. Calculated sample size was 422 and 375 were responded to the questionnaire giving response rate of 88.9%. Results: The study revealed that the implemented 5S programmes were sustaining in eight hospitals out of ten i.e. sustaining rate was 80%. When it considered the degree of sustainability, 50% of the selected hospitals reported more than 70% sustainability. This was considered as favourable trend in government health sector in healthcare quality point of view. Ten factors were studied as contributing factors for the 5S sustainability. Socio- demographic factors were also considered. Those ten factors were top management commitment, leadership of the organization, commitment of middle & frontline managers, commitment & satisfaction of employees, training & changing attitude of employees, motivation of employees, organizational culture, group cohesiveness, community participation and customer satisfaction. Study revealed that organizational leadership, customer satisfaction, community participation and organizational culture were the major contributing factors for sustainability of 5S programmes in government hospitals in RDHS area Kurunegala. Conclusion: Researcher concluded that organizational leadership, customer satisfaction, community participation and organizational culture are the major contributing factors for 5S sustainability in Divisional Hospitals in RDHS area Kurunegala, further it could be generalized to the all Divisional Hospitals in the country
H. Aras Solong, H. Sulaiman Asang, Badu H. Ahmad, H. Muh. Akmal
ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify and describe (1) Development of Administrative through education and training (training), promotion, transfer and rotation, and the application of demotion system (non-title) under Law No. 43 of 1999 on the development of career civil servants based merit system and work performance, and Government Regulation No. 101 of 2000 on Education and Training (Training) for Civil Servants. (2) Revealing differences in work motivation based on the intensity of the education or training (training) using Herzberg's Two Factor Theory of extrinsic factors (hygiene) and intrinsic factors (motivator) that influence employees motivation Maros regency government in carrying out its duties and functions as members civil in public service. This study uses a quantitative approach to date collection techniques through a questionnaire (Questionnaire). Informant are civil servants who occupied echelon II, III. And IV, while the analysis of the date used quantitative analysis to uncover the implementation of personnel development and employees motivation difference Maros region based on the intensity of the education or training (training) to get job satisfaction in the public service. The results of this study will reveal that; (1) Development of Apparatus for improving the knowledge, ability, professionalism, competence, skills, can work as a reformer, change attitude, eager to work, motivated to do the work, get satisfaction in work and getting justice in employment. (2) The difference in work motivation Maros local government employees affected by extrinsic factors (hygiene) and intrinsic factor (motivator) is the variable gain high salary (H) occupies the first ranking, while serving the community satisfaction variables (M) occupy the last ranking. That is, that the satisfaction of serving the people affected by the high salaries earned by the employees to do the job.
Santi Rande, Yunus Rahawarin, A. Jamaluddin, Tehubijuluw Zacharias
ABSTRACT: Although the primary responsibility for career planning lies in the individual, but organizational career planning should be completely in line with individual career planning if an organization wants to retain the best employees. Assumptions and the perspective delivers the researchers to examine the influence of aspects of individual and organizational aspects of the career development of employees within the organization of government. The population in this study were employees of the Regional Secretariat of Samarinda by sampling using Proportional Sampling. This research uses a quantitative approach to the explanation that the format is done through surveys. The results showed that the main factors affecting the career development of staff at the Regional Secretariat Samarinda is a factor of career counseling, performance appraisal, and career mapping, which affects the employee's career development is partially (respectively) or simultaneously (together ).
Dr Onuke Oscar Sunny
Abstract: The study dwelt on the problem of developing manpower supply for establishing new industries, more especially, an engineering program for generating the skills required for a refinery project. A mathematical programming model was developed for planning the establishment of a new manpower system such as Nigeria would be establishing in the next several decades. The manpower planning model developed here deals with the problem of how to optimize the process of developing new skills so that they are available as needed during the process of setting up new industries especially in the sector of developing economy. Many developmental projects in the public sector of Nigeria are now leveled up for lack of trained manpower. The method developed, will also estimate the probable availability of skills required and plan to meet the shortfalls if any.
Manoev Said Bahronovich
Abstract: Historical architectural monuments of Uzbekistan attracts attention with their geometrical and compositional harmony. This harmony is one of the fundamentals of Central Asian Islamic architecture, which based on decision of Middle Age architects to create ensemble in every case, from local ensembles up to whole city ensemble. We can observe this kind of solutions in Ensembles Registrant and Gur – Emir in Samarkand, in Ensembles Kosh – Madrasa and Labi – Khovuz in Bukhara, in Ensembles Dorus – Saodat and Dorut – Tilovat in Shakhrisabs, in the whole city ensemble of Khiva and many others.
Waleed Lagrab, Noura AKNIN
Abstract: This study analyzes the spatial distribution of kindergarten facilities in the study area based on the Geographic Information Systems (GIS), in order to test an efficiency of GIS technology to redistribute the existing kindergarten and choose the best location in the future and applying the standard criteria for selecting the suitable locations for kindergarten. To achieve this goal, the data and information are collected via interviews and comprehensive statistics on the education facilities in Mukalla districts in YEMEN, which contributed to building a geographic database for the study area. After that, the Kindergarten spatial patterns are analyzed in terms of proximity to each other and used near some other land in the surrounding area such as: streets, highways, factories, etc. Also, measures the concentration, dispersion, clustering and distribution direction for the kindergarten, this study showed the effectiveness of the GIS for spatial data analysis. One of the most important finding, that most of the Kindergarten was established in Mukalla city, did not take into account the criteria that set by the authorities. Furthermore, almost district suffers from a shortage in the number of kindergarten, and pattern of distribution of those kindergartens dominated by spatial dispersed.
Omokhua, G.E., Ogu, A., Oyebade, B.A.
ABSTRACT: Terminaliaivorensis A. Chev.is an important tropical timber species, but poor germination and inadequate silvicultural information are important factors militating against its regeneration.A study on the effects of four sowing media on germination and early seedling growth of T. ivorensis was assessed at the Forest Nursery of the Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The experiment was arranged in a completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replicates. Viable seeds were sown into germination trays filled with four sowing media (Topsoil, sawdust, fine sand and coarse sand). Fifty seeds were sown into each germination tray. Data were collected on germination percentage and early seedling growth parameters involving seedling height, collar diameter and monthly leaf production. Analysis of variance was used to analyze the data collected. Means separation were carried out using the Least Significant Difference (LSD). The result revealed that germination percentage was significant at 5% level of probability. The highest germination percentage was recorded for treatment B (sawdust) which had 50.6717.90% while treatments A (topsoil) and D (coarse sand) had 35.339.62% and 3013.99 respectively. The least was treatment C (fine sand) which had 2210.84%. There was significant difference at 5% level of probability in seedling height and collar diameter but was not significant in leaf production. The highest mean height was recorded in treatment A (topsoil) which has 16.130.80. Treatments B (sawdust), D (coarse sand), C (fine sand) had 14.020.37, 7.750.47 and 6.790.99 respectively. The result showed that the highest diameter growth was recorded for treatment A (topsoil) which has 4.130.53. Treatments D (coarse sand), B (sawdust) and C (fine sand) had 3.670.57, 3.470.48 and 3.430.52 respectively. Leaf production in T. ivorensiswas not significant between the treatments. The study has shown that the germination percentage ofT. ivorensis improved significantly with sowing media especially sawdust and topsoil. The use of sawdust and topsoil as sowing media for small and large scale propagation of the species is recommended.
Dr. Mamta Madan, Meenu Chopra, Vani Nijhawan
ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to have a literature review on the various methods to mine the knowledge from the social media by taking advantage of embedded heterogeneous information. Specifically, we are trying to review different types of mining framework which provides us useful information from these networks that have heterogeneous data types including text, spacial-temporal and data association (LINK) information. Firstly, we will discuss the link mining to study the link structure with respect to Social Media (SM). Secondly, we summarize the various text mining models, thirdly we shall review spacial as well the temporal models to extract or detect the frequent related topics from SM. Fourthly; we will try to figure out few improvised models that take advantage of the link, textual, temporal and spacial information which motivates to discover progressive principles and fresh methodologies for DM (Data Mining) in social media networks (SMNs).
Christian John Etwire, Stephen B. Twum
Abstract: This paper examines further a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model constructed for optimal hydrothermal energy generation for Ghana as in [1]. Post Optimal Analysis is carried out on the model in order to assess its stability to slight variations of some input parameters such as minimum level running costs, extra hourly running costs above minimum level and start up costs of each generator on one hand and load demands and reserve margins on the other. The results show that the firm could minimize its cost of power generation if its input parameters were comparable to those lying between the 10 percent and -10 percent range.The10 percent and -10 percent range yielded a range of investment plans for the firmand also provided a basis for the selection of the best optimal solution.
Nenden Munawaroh
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to assess and analyze the influence of Interpersonal Communication on Teaching Effectiveness in improving learning outcomes in Islamic education subject. The method used in this study is a quantitative analysis. The population in this study are 30 teachers of religion subjects at Formal Education Foundation of Musaddadiyah Garut. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire, interview, observation and documentation, while the data analysis techniques used to answer the research hypothesis is statistical analysis with path analysis model (Path Analysis).
Adepoju, A. L., Adejumo, B. A.
Abstract: The effect of cooking methods on some proximate properties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L) was investigated. With the initial properties of the fresh sweet potatoes (sample A) determined, 600g each of samples B, C and D were boiled peeled, boiled unpeeled and roasted unpeeled respectively. The properties determined for the samples are moisture content, ash, fibre, protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins A and C. Data collected were analysed statistically to determine the effect of cooking methods on the properties of sweet potatoes. The results show that cooking methods used has no significant effects (p<0.05) on the moisture, ash and crude fibre contents of cooked sweet potato. Cooking generally increases the protein content but decreases the vitamin C and β-carotene content. Cooking of sweet potatoes unpeeled has the highest protein and carbohydrate content, it hence recommended for cooking sweet potatoes.
Aliasghar Baziar, Masoud Jabbari, Hassan Shafiee
Abstract: In order to handle large scale problems, this study has used shuffled frog leaping algorithm. This algorithm is an optimization method based on natural memetics that uses a new two-phase modification to it to have a better search in the problem space. The suggested algorithm is evaluated by comparing to some well known algorithms using several benchmark optimization problems. The simulation results have clearly shown the superiority of this algorithm over other well-known methods in the area.
Prapdopo, Muhammad Yunus Zain, Madris, Sanusi Fattah
Abstract: The research aims are to estimate a structural model of the local competitiveness and to estimate FDI on the export performance of the manufacturing sector in Indonesia. This study uses data panel 33 provinces in Indonesia with time series 2004-2012. The results show that local competitiveness does not have direct effect on the performance of exports, but it affects through specialization level, the level of diversity, employment and economic growth. Furthermore, FDI has direct and significant effect on the export performance, but it does not affect through specialization level, the level of diversity, employment and economic growth.
Omokhua G. E, Aigbe H.I, Ndulue N. B
Abstract: This study assessed the effect of pre-germination treatments on the germination and early growth of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum. & Thonn.). The seeds were extracted and subjected to the following treatments: Soaking in cold water for 24hrs (T1), dipping in hot water for 1minute (T2), soaking in coconut water for 30 minutes (T3), soaking in coconut milk for 30 minutes (T4), dipping in hydrogen peroxide for 1 minute (T5) and for the control (T6). The results showed that T3 had the highest germination value of 60% while T2 had the least of 25%. There was significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) in germination percentage between the treatments at 95% probability level. The seed treated with T3 had the highest mean seedling height of 44.54cm follow by mean seedling height (40.35cm) of both T1 and T6 (the control) while T5 had the lowest mean seedling height of 39.84cm. The ANOVA of the stem-collar diameters shows that there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the effects of the different treatment on the seedlings stem-collar diameter. The seedlings subjected to treatment T3 had the highest mean leaf number of 22 while the seedlings subjected to T1 and T6 had same lowest leaf number of 18. It was observed in this study that coconut water (T3) significantly did better in terms of seedling growth and development when used as a pre germination treatment for T. tetraptera seeds. However, the seeds when dipped in hot water for 1 minute (T2) as pre germination treatment did not significantly improve germination and growth of T. tetraptera seeds.
Atul Modi, Ravikant Sharma, Yogesh Jaiswal, Sukhlal Mujalda, Sujeet Pratap Singh Baghel
Abstract: The modern mini-steel plant is a step toward quality, flexibility productivity, efficient energy use and good working conditions for consistent performance. The increased energy costs due to strict environment norms have created the demand for a system in the steel plant, that recover the process thermal heat or improve rolling process so next further processing may be avoided [14]. The Hot-charging system is a new development and its critical analysis for process energy optimization and energy cost also improve the rolling plant energy efficiency, improve the working atmosphere of the plant and environment both. The optimization strategy is also useful for pollution minimization by energy minimum use, which is now essential due to strict norms and regulation. By this paper a methodology will be develop for batch manufacturing organization to work as robust enterprises with energy considerations.
Ghazal. A. Ghazal, Salwa.A.Hegazy
Abstract: in (1964) Nagar and Kakwani analysis the results of the first and second moment that proposed by Theil and Goldberger (1961) ,derive the bias estimators and second moment matrix of mixed model estimators consider with the order of magnitude criteria ,derived biased estimators to order that refer to big (O) in probability where begin the number of observations. In this paper we derive mixed seemingly unrelated regression equations (SURE) by combining the prior information and sample information in a single model, derive the bias estimator to order and the moment matrix to order by using the methodology of Nagar's expansion for the moment of estimator. the bias has been derived conceder the normality distribution assumption of the random disturbances.
Harshala C. Salave, Dr. Sachin D. Pable
Abstract: Generally private information is provided by using passwords or Personal Identification Numbers, which is easy to implement but it is very easily stolen or forgotten or hack. In Biometrics, for individuals identification uses human physiological (which are constant throughout life like palm, face, DNA, iris etc.) or behavioral characteristics(which is not constant in life like voice, signature, keystroke, etc.). But mostly gain more attention to palmprint identification and is becoming more popular technique using for identification and promising alternatives to the traditional password or PIN based authentication techniques. In this paper propose palmprint identification using veins on the palm and fingers. Here use fusion of techniques such as Discrete Wavelet transform(DWT), Canny Edge Detector, Gaussian Filter, Principle Component Analysis(PCA).
Ibrahim Haruna, Mohamed Fatima. Verlaine Ndam
Abstract: Presence of free fatty acids in biodiesel feedstock has been source of concern to biodiesel producers, hence this investigation was carried out to determine its effect on methyl esters yield by transesterification using solid base catalyst. Jatropha curcas oil of different free fatty acid compositions and methanol were transesterified with bulk calcium oxide catalyst in a stoichiometric ratio. The feedstock with 0.22% free fatty acid had 99.99% methyl ester, that with 1.00% FFA had 99.11% methyl esters, the one with 3.92% FFA had 94.76% methyl esters, the ome with 7.8% FFA had 87.49% methyl esters and that with 8.16% FFA had 84.42% methyl esters. This indicates that methyl esters yield decrease with increase FFA of feedstocks. The presence of acid in the feedstock reduces the quantity of biodiesel produced when solid base catalyst is used.
M. Durairaj, G. Kalaiselvi
Abstract: Neural Networks are one of the soft computing techniques that can be used to make predictions on medical data. Neural Networks are known as the Universal predictors. Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes is a disease caused due to the increase level of blood glucose. Various traditional methods, based on physical and chemical tests, are available for diagnosing diabetes. The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) based system can effectively applied for high blood pressure risk prediction. This improved model separates the dataset into either one of the two groups. The earlier detection using soft computing techniques help the physicians to reduce the probability of getting severe of the disease. The data set chosen for classification and experimental simulation is based on Pima Indian Diabetic Set from (UCI) Repository of Machine Learning databases. In this paper, a detailed survey is conducted on the application of different soft computing techniques for the prediction of diabetes. This survey is aimed to identify and propose an effective technique for earlier prediction of the disease.
Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Muhsen Irsheid Alafeef
Abstract: This study was based on a sample taken from Saudi Arabia Hotels that operates their services in the city of Al-Baha, and this study adopted five key variables, including three variables describing the independent aspect, and two variables describing the aspect, where the independent variable was the Innovation Marketing Orientation (infrastructure for innovation, Impact of Innovation and Implementation of Innovation) and the dependent variable was competitive advantage (Responding & Distinction advantage ). This study found the presence of the impact of each of (infrastructure for innovation, Impact of Innovation and Implementation of Innovation on Responding & Distinction advantage.
Saif Sultan Al Nabhani, Rashid Hamed Al Azri
Abstract: This research intends to examine the importance of using authentic reading materials in teaching English in the schools of the Sultanate of Oman in general and in developing the reading skills of Grade Ten Students.
Dr. Jose Ariel R. Ibarrientos
Abstract: Academic institutions can become more environmentally responsible through the implementation of various conservation initiative. Along this, the study attempt to transform the Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges into living models of an ecologically sustainable learning institutions. Data was gathered from among the six administrators, 336 students, 62 teaching and 31 non-teaching personnel from school year 2013-2014. Questionnaire supported by interview and ocular inspection was utilized to assess the college practices along its environmental policy, resource management, curriculum, project and budget. Results revealed that the college has an Eco Friendly Program and has implemented guidelines along solid Waste Management in Classrooms and Laboratories. Awareness on environmental policy, resource management in classrooms, buildings and grounds, purchasing, use of lights and electricity, paper conservation, water conservation, waste management were highly implemented (HI). Maintenance on air quality and waste management in the canteen were moderately implemented (MI) in the college. Generally, the college are Aware (A) along environmental programs and highly implement (HI) its environmental practices. T-test result shows that there was no significant difference between the level of awareness and implementation on environmental practices. The proposed Eco-Friendly School Model developed by the researcher must be adopted by the college.
K. W. V Sanjaya, H. M. S. S Vijesekara, I. M. A. C. Wickramasinghe, C. R. J. Amalraj
Abstract: Floriculture has become one of Sri Lanka’s major foreign exchange ventures and it has grown substantially during the last few years. Currently, we can find three major types of growers in floriculture. They are Large Commercial Ventures, Middle Level growers and Village Level growers. Both Middle Level and Village level growers usually go for low cost cultivation with minimum advanced techniques, sticking to conventional methods. Orchid cultivation is more pleasurable and profitable than any other floriculture ventures. As the orchid cultivation is so pleasurable we can introduce another group of growers who cultivate orchid in their home gardens for making their home gardens beautiful. But the problem is that most of these growers may not have the knowledge to identify the specie of the plants as there are a number of similar looking plants which are in different species. And also they may not have the knowledge about the orchid diseases. Because of that they may not be able to get the maximum outcome from their cultivations. So the aim of our project is to address the above mentioned issues by introducing a system which can identify orchid species & diseases and predict the healthiness of the orchid plants. The only input to this system is an image of an orchid leaf and the system will provide the orchid specie name, diseases if there any, healthiness of the orchid plant and suggestions to overcome the issues associated with the orchid plant as the output. We identify the orchid species and diseases by extracting the features of orchid plant leaf in the input image using image processing technics and with the use of data mining technics we predict the healthiness of the orchid plant. So, this system will be a great help for the people who love to grow orchids but don’t have knowledge about the orchid species and diseases. And also they will be able to find the healthiness of their orchid plants.
James Ransford Dankwah, Emmanuel Baawuah
Abstract: The effect of waste linear low density propylene (LLDPE) addition on the reduction of FeO-containing slag by metallurgical coke has been investigated through experiments conducted in a laboratory scale horizontal tube furnace. Composite pellets of EAF slag (47.1% FeO) with coke, LLDPE and blends of coke/LLDPE (in four different proportions) were rapidly heated at 1520 °C under high purity argon gas and the off gas was continuously analysed for CO and CO2 using an online infrared gas analyser (IR). The extent of reduction after ten minutes, level of carburisation and desulphurization were determined for each carbonaceous reductant. The results show significant improvements in extent of reduction along with improved levels of carburisation and desulphurisation of the reduced metal when coke was blended with LLDPE.
Abdul-Razak Fuseini, S.A. Bamford. I. J K. Aboh, F.G.Ofosu, Hyacinthe Ahiamadjie, E.K. Gampson, Ruth Araba Sam
ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to assess the black carbon concentration in air borne particulate matter in ambient air due to the use of biomass for cooking in the Navrongo Senior High School. The Gent air sampler was used to sample airborne particulate matter in the Navrongo Senior High School. These particulates were collected on nuclepore polycarbonate filters for a period of six months. In addition to determination of particulate mass in the two fractions by gravimetric method, the aerosol filters were also analyzed for black carbon (BC) concentration levels using the black smoke reflectometer method. The average fine fraction mass concentration determined was 134.59µgm-3 (with a minimum of 9.28µgm-3 and a maximum of 338.11µgm-3) and that of coarse fraction (CF) was 355.04µgm-3 (with a minimum of 61.73µgm-3 and a maximum of 1117.43µgm-3). The black carbon concentration in fine, average was 7.62µgm-3 (with a minimum of 1.68µgm-3 and a maximum of 35.35µgm-3) and that of the coarse was 6.92µgm-3 (with a minimum of 1.76µgm-3 and a maximum of 22.61µgm-3). The results of this research were compared to other works in the country. It was however realized that the values of this research were about twice as much as the other works. This was due to the fact that biomass burning is generally used for cooking in the study area which is usual of Northern Ghana and so produces a lot of black carbon as compared to the other area which are semi-urban areas in the southern part of the country. The values obtained for coarse to fine particulate matter ratio suggest that, the particulates were not only largely made up of combustion generated carbonaceous particles but also particulate matter emissions from natural activities.
Muhammad Ridha, Tehubijuluw Zacharias, A. Jamaluddin, Arifin Tapioyihoe
ABSTRACT: One of the goals of decentralization in 2004 that the decentralization of Local Government authorities undergo a process of empowerment, the ability of initiative, creativity encouraged, so that the capacity to address domestic problems getting stronger This opens opportunities made possible since the enactment and implementation of the Law on Local Government that Act No. 32 of 2004. The problem is formulated in this study is how the public service in the administration of land titles in Sorong city? . This study used a qualitative approach that is descriptive analysis. This study seeks to describe and interpret what is (can about the condition or existing relationship, opinion growing, ongoing process, result or effect that occurs or emerging trend).Basic techniques of data collection used is interview, observation and documentation. Interviews were used in the form of nonstandard or unstructured, done without preparation of a list of questions that tight, but based on the interview guide focused on research. Data analysis techniques in this study using a qualitative analysis of the interaction model proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that public service obtaining certificates of land that occurred in Sorong city land office applied based counter system to provide services that are easy for the public applicants for all service activities through mechanisms that have been specified for ease of service. But it must be admitted that there are services that have not been fully optimized in accordance with the procedures of service. Counter parties in implementing the maintenance service is not in accordance with SOP according to the stages of eligibility has been determined. Service activities implemented by the land office by the applicant community feedback or service activities is not optimal because they are less efficient service activities tend to be economical because the service is not simple and not timely completion. Simplicity of service as factors supporting and application services implemented in the Land Office Sorong. As a supporter of the service if the application in accordance with the procedure / procedures organized services easily, smoothly, fast and uncomplicated. As a barrier if the application does not have procedures SOP services, services complicated, slow and overly bureaucratic.
Harmin Ramba, Suratman Nur, Alwi, Baharuddin
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the bureaucratic accountability that includes answerability and enforcement in the management of the Regional Budget in education Konawe southeast Sulawesi province. this study used a qualitative research approach with an instrumental case study strategy. Case in this study is the planning and implementation of Revenue and Expenditure Budget of fiscal year 2011. The unit of analysis of this research is an organization with a shot in the Department of Education. The informants are managing officials Regional Budget fiscal year 2011. Data collection techniques used were interviews and document study, while data analysis is qualitative analysis interactive model. The results showed that the bureaucratic accountability that includes answerability and enforcement in the management of the Regional Budget less run well in education Konawe Southeast Sulawesi Province. Bureaucratic accountability in the management of the Regional Budget in education Konawe Southeast Sulawesi province is not based on professional standards and norms of behavior. This is due to the bureaucratic officials who manage the Regional Budget operates within the context of power relations patron-client oriented. Power relations patron-client oriented systematically developed in order to realize personal interests that additional income and continuity of office.
Erwin, Haselman, Harifin Tapioyihoe, Fatmawaty Rumra
ABSTRACT: The implementation of development policy the airport and road transport in South Kayan District and the Kayan upstream in Malinau Regency is not yet optimal observe through observation perspective of Grindle (1980), as well as Sabatier and Mazmanian (1980) who saw the implementation of policies from the side of the interests of which are affected, type benefits, degrees change, actor/the executive agency, and technical difficulties. Geographical location of both districts that located between Indonesia and Malaysia the borded by mountainous, dense jungle and the condition of erratic weather, causing equipment and materials used in the project being difficult in mobilization of the trip to the region. In addition the executive policy, the airport, transportation and the General Working Agency to road infrastructure has a duty which includes a broad and diverse all areas East Kalimantan, so that the both district was not development priority. Inland Border Area Management Board and Disadvantaged Areas ( BPKP2DT) who specialized in shape to manage of border areas tend to only perform the function of coordination course, so it does not have the authority in the implementation of development directly. So it is with telecommunication limited means of located in the area, so that obstructed of coordination and oversight. However residents in the south kayan district kayan upstream support the governments policy in the construction of that infrastructure, because policy felt the benefits, both in the economic and social.