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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 4 - Issue 8, August 2015 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

The Existence Of Non-Litigation Mediation In Indonesia

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Anna Veronica Pont



Index Terms : Medical Disputes, Mediation, Non-Litigation Mediation



Abstract: Law No. 36 Year 2009 on Health and the Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 Year 2008 confirm the importance of mediation in the settlement of disputes, in this case the medical dispute. But both these regulations do not explicitly emphasize the type of non-litigation mediation as the best means of medical dispute resolution. Non-litigation mediation or mediation outside of the court is capable of creating peace and restore good relations between doctors and patients.



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