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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 7 - Issue 9, September 2018 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

The Adaptation Assesment Of Superior Cassava Varieties On Yellow-Red Podsolic Soil

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Ngatinem, Melina Dwi Dananti, Nurul Rusdi, Bambang Singgih



cassava, podsolic, vegetative, productivity



The cassava demand was predicted to increase, cause now there were some derivative product of cassava. It is need efforts to increasing the national cassava productivity, by effective, efficient and optimal of cassava plantation. The efforts were enhance of platantion system, use the superior cassava varieties, land treatment and others. One of the influence factor to application of cassava varieties in the plantation was adaptation that cassava varieties to plantantion land. In Lampung Provinci there were some kind of land like Podsolic, Aluvial, Latosol. The research were done at The Starch Technology Center, Lampung.. The research purpose were to show the comparation of growing factor and productivity of OMM 9908-4, Kasersat, Thailand and Kaspro cassava varieties on the yellow-red podsolic land The plantation implementation were done at 0,5 ha for every variety, used 20-30 cm stem-seed plant that cutting from stem center of 8 month’s cassava plant. The land treatment were Plow-I, Plow-II and Ridger. Plow-II was done after 2 week Plow-I .Ridger was done by 25-30 cm depth of land treatment, The fertilization were done twice, by Urea, SP36 and KCl at the 1 month old and 4 month old plants. The harvesting were done at 12 months old plants. The observed parameter were plant vegetative (plant height, stem diameter) and plant generative (stem weight, tuber weight, tuber diameter), starch content and productivity. The research result shown that the increase in diameter were shown for all varieties with icreasing plants old. The Thailand variety shown highest on tuber weight, although the Kasersat variety has a highest on tuber diameter. The fourth varieties has high enough productivity, about 27-35 ton/ha. In general the fourth kind of cassava varieties could be be development and plantanted with Kasersat variety shown the best varieties on the yellow-red podsolic soil.



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